I was working with your code and when reviewing the projection of the feature maps into the cost volume, there's something that I don't understand. In the function homo_warp, the projection matrix that is computed is to go from the target view camera coordinates to the source view in order to interpolate the features:
But when projecting the grid into the image, I don't understand which coordinates are used. Only pixel indices seemed to be used and are projected into the source image by slicing the projection matrix into rotation and translation, when it also contains the intrinsic matrix:
I was working with your code and when reviewing the projection of the feature maps into the cost volume, there's something that I don't understand. In the function homo_warp, the projection matrix that is computed is to go from the target view camera coordinates to the source view in order to interpolate the features:
But when projecting the grid into the image, I don't understand which coordinates are used. Only pixel indices seemed to be used and are projected into the source image by slicing the projection matrix into rotation and translation, when it also contains the intrinsic matrix:
Could you explain how are the coordinates from the grid projected into the source image and in which coordinate system is the grid defined?
Thanks in advance, Sergio