zju3dv / ENeRF

SIGGRAPH Asia 2022: Code for "Efficient Neural Radiance Fields for Interactive Free-viewpoint Video"
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关于zjumocap_train.yaml文件下某些项的作用 #48

Closed CHDTevior closed 6 months ago

CHDTevior commented 1 year ago


我在finetune时使用了如下设置 train_dataset: data_root: 'zju_mocap' scene: 'CoreView_test4' split: train frames: [0, 599, 1] input_views: [0, -1, 1] render_views: [0, -1, 1] input_ratio: 0.5

test_dataset: data_root: 'zju_mocap' scene: 'CoreView_test4' split: test frames: [0, 600, 100] input_views: [0, -1, 2] render_views: [1, -1, 2] input_ratio: 0.5 (其他的部分与原文件相同) 另外,我在用我自己的类似zju-mocap数据集(6个同步摄像头)进行训练的时候,有一个很奇怪的现象是,训练后的psnr,ssim,lpips等值变得比之前更优了,但是从gui中渲染出来的效果却没有使用预训练模型时候的渲染效果清晰,请问这是什么原因呢? image image image image

haotongl commented 10 months ago

Hello, and thank you for your attention! The meaning of "train_input_views_prob" refers to the probability of selecting the number of source views. For example, if you have "train_input_views_prob" as [0.4, 0.5, 0.1] and "train_input_views" as [2, 3, 4], it signifies that during each training iteration, there is a 0.4 probability of using 2 source views, a 0.5 probability of using 3 source views, and a 0.1 probability of using 4 source views.

If you have only six cameras, ENeRF can easily overfit when training the viewpoints. I've noticed that you are currently using only half of the available viewpoints for training (3 views). Please consider trying the following parameter settings:

input_views: [0, -1, 1] render_views: [0, -1, 1]

This should help improve the training process.