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Issue with 3D Keypoint Generation Returning Zero Values #401

Open Lilien86 opened 3 months ago

Lilien86 commented 3 months ago

Operating system: windows 11 Software version: v0.2

After calibrating my 3 cameras, I created intri.yml and extri.yml files. To verify the calibration accuracy, I used the following command: python apps/calibration/check_calib.py ${root}/ground1f --out ${root}/ground1f --mode cube --write --show, The calibration was confirmed to be correct. I attempted several methods to generate 2D keypoints, such as: python apps/preprocess/extract_keypoints.py ${data} --mode yolo-hrnet python .\scripts\preprocess\extract_video.py .\0_input\data\ --openpose ${openpose} Upon checking the 2D keypoints with: python apps/annotation/annot_keypoints.py ${data}, it's good.

the results seemed correct, indicating successful 2D keypoint generation. Here's a screenshot of my dataset visualization: Screenshot 2024-03-25 154635

With accurate calibration and 2D keypoints, I proceeded to generate 3D keypoints using the command: emc --data config/datasets/mvimage.yml --exp config/mv1p/detect_triangulate.yml --root ${data} --subs_vis 1 2 3 However, this returned 3D keypoints equal to zero. Attempting an alternative approach yielded the same result: python .\apps\demo\mv1p.py .\0_input\data\ --out 1_output/data --vis_det --vis_repro --undis --sub_vis 1 2 3 --vis_smpl

Error: Despite the dataset appearing correct, the generation of 3D keypoints fails, with all keypoints returning values of zero. There were no error messages to indicate what might be wrong.


Request for Assistance: I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to resolve this issue with 3D keypoint generation. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance.