zju3dv / EasyVolcap

[SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 (Technical Communications)] EasyVolcap: Accelerating Neural Volumetric Video Research
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playback controls in viewer #22

Open briancantwe opened 5 months ago

briancantwe commented 5 months ago

Hello! I've got the viewer up and running! Woohoo!

Question though. I'm not seeing any motion and no control to play/pause. Is there a control I'm not seeing or is it possibly an issue with the input data? I'm just using gaussiant_actor1_4_subseq.yaml right now. And running evc -t test generated motion in the renders.

There are no errors reported.


Thanks again for your amazing work and support!

dendenxu commented 5 months ago

Happy to hear that! :D

The temporal control is pretty hidden. Under Cameras and then Temporal, there's a slider t for controlling the time variable we feed into the network.

Sorry for the confusion, will make the control more obvious asap 🤤

PS hit SPACE to play and pause.