Closed BruceWANGDi closed 3 years ago
Hi, the draw_keypoints takes 3 parameters. The "color" should be an uint8 NumPy array with size [pn, 3] where pn is the point number. You may check the codes in "utils/" to see how these functions work.
Thank you for your reply. I revise the key points color successfully. But I still can not show the matching line result graph. The code 'plt.imshow(gift_img)' and 'plt.imshow(sup_img)' don't have any response. Could you give me some advice to solve this problem?
You can try directly save the image by
from import imsave
and then you can open the image directly to check whether the problem is caused by plt. Maybe, you need to run
%matplotlib inline
so that the image will be shown on the page.
Hi, thank you for your sharing. I try to run the But there is an issue happened. I just changed the images in folder 'image' to my own images, but the result just show the keypoint img(kps_img), and no any result about matching lines(gift_img & sup_img). Could you tell me how to solve this issue? Or something I dismiss? And another question is that: Could you tell me about the right form of 'draw_keypoints' function? I prepared to change keypoints' color. My code is: "kps_img0=draw_keypoints(img0, kps0, (255,0,0), radius=4)", but it doesn't work.