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Level of Gaussians
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interpolation visualization on my own datasets #11

Open AiYoWeiYL opened 2 months ago

AiYoWeiYL commented 2 months ago


I've got the training results of my own data, and when I do the interpolation visualization, I run into the following problem

[Config] merge from parent file: config/npu_data/level_of_gaussian.yml
[Config] merge from parent file: config/npu_data/stage_8_4.yml
Key is not in the template: split
Key is not in the template: ckptname
[Config] replace key $root
[Config] replace key $scale3d
[Config] replace key $root
[Config] replace key $scale3d
[Config] replace key $PLYNAME
[Config] replace key $PLYNAME
[Config] replace key $PLYNAME
[Config] replace key $xyz_scale
[Config] replace key $scale3d
[Config] replace key $PLYNAME
[Config] replace key $xyz_scale
[Config] replace key $max_steps
[Config] replace key $dataset
[Config] replace key $RGB_RENDER_L1_SSIM
[Config] replace key $NAIVE_STAGE
Using GPUs: 0
Write to output/npu_data/log
Using /home/yr/.cache/torch_extensions/py39_cu118 as PyTorch extensions root...
Detected CUDA files, patching ldflags
Emitting ninja build file /home/yr/.cache/torch_extensions/py39_cu118/compute_radius/build.ninja...
Building extension module compute_radius...
Allowing ninja to set a default number of workers... (overridable by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS=N)
ninja: no work to do.
Loading extension module compute_radius...
[data/npu_data/sparse/0/sparse.npz] mean: -0.535, 0.023, 2.214
[data/npu_data/sparse/0/sparse.npz] std: 2.643, 2.725, 0.390
[data/npu_data/sparse/0/sparse.npz] sigma=1 11790/57271
bounds: [[-3.178, -2.702, 1.824], [2.108, 2.747, 2.604]]
[data/npu_data/sparse/0/sparse.npz] sigma=2 55733/57271
bounds: [[-5.821, -5.427, 1.433], [4.751, 5.472, 2.994]]
[data/npu_data/sparse/0/sparse.npz] sigma=3 57236/57271
bounds: [[-8.464, -8.152, 1.043], [7.395, 8.197, 3.384]]
[data/npu_data/sparse/0/sparse.npz] z_min: 1.265, z_max: 7.331
[Load PLY] load from ply: data/npu_data/sparse/0/sparse.npz
[Load PLY] min: [-5.17486965 -3.95713089  1.26468601], max: [5.15020747 4.26217648 7.33143318]
[Load PLY] scale: 0.0009, 4.3804, mean = 0.0217
[GaussianPoint] scales: [0.0009~0.0217~4.3804]
[GaussianPoint] -> scales: [0.0054~0.0211~0.0868]
Skip the view_correction.optimizer.global_steps as split = demo
Skip the view_correction.optimizer.exp_avg.view_correction as split = demo
Skip the view_correction.optimizer.exp_avg_sq.view_correction as split = demo
Skip the view_correction.optimizer.max_exp_avg_sq.view_correction as split = demo
Skip the view_correction.optimizer.steps.view_correction as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.global_steps as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg.xyz as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg.colors as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg.scaling as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg.opacity as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg.rotation as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg.shs as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg_sq.xyz as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg_sq.colors as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg_sq.scaling as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg_sq.opacity as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg_sq.rotation as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.exp_avg_sq.shs as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.steps.xyz as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.steps.colors as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.steps.scaling as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.steps.opacity as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.steps.rotation as split = demo
Skip the optimizer.steps.shs as split = demo
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/yr/workspace/pycharm/LoG/apps/train.py", line 183, in <module>
  File "/home/yr/workspace/pycharm/LoG/apps/train.py", line 172, in main
    demo(cfg, model, device)
  File "/home/yr/workspace/pycharm/LoG/apps/train.py", line 11, in demo
    dataset = load_object(cfg[cfg.split].dataset.module, cfg[cfg.split].dataset.args)
  File "/home/yr/workspace/pycharm/LoG/LoG/utils/config.py", line 61, in load_object
    obj = getattr(module, name)(**extra_args, **module_args)
  File "/home/yr/workspace/pycharm/LoG/LoG/dataset/demo.py", line 370, in __init__
    RTlist = interpolate_camera_path(RTlist, steps=steps, smoothing_term=5.)
  File "/home/yr/workspace/pycharm/LoG/LoG/dataset/demo.py", line 319, in interpolate_camera_path
    f = gen_cubic_spline_interp_func(c2ws, smoothing_term)
  File "/home/yr/workspace/pycharm/LoG/LoG/dataset/demo.py", line 293, in gen_cubic_spline_interp_func
    assert N > 3, 'Cubic Spline interpolation requires at least four inputs'
AssertionError: Cubic Spline interpolation requires at least four inputs

The corresponding configuration file of interpolation visualization should be this part of the dataset.yml

    enable_sh: True
    log_query: False
    module: LoG.dataset.demo.InterpolatePath
      cameras: $PLYNAME
      scale: 4
      steps: 600
        - 0001
        - 0040
        - 0080
        - 0180

    enable_sh: True
    log_query: False
    module: LoG.dataset.demo.ShowLevel
      cameras: $PLYNAME
      steps: 300
      sub: 0001
      scale: 4

    enable_sh: True
    log_query: False
    module: LoG.dataset.demo.ZoomInOut
      cameras: $PLYNAME
      sub: 0001
      zranges: [-20., 1.]
      scale: 2
      use_logspace: False

I don't understand sub, subs what do these nodes mean. Your advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

chingswy commented 2 months ago
    enable_sh: True
    log_query: False
    module: LoG.dataset.demo.InterpolatePath
      cameras: $PLYNAME
      scale: 4
      steps: 600
        - 0001
        - 0040
        - 0080
        - 0180

The subs means the image name of the key cameras. You should given at least 4 images to interpolate a path.

AiYoWeiYL commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your reply. I wrote four cameras in the configuration file

    enable_sh: True
    log_query: False
    module: LoG.dataset.demo.InterpolatePath
      cameras: $PLYNAME
      scale: 4
      steps: 600
        - 0001
        - 0040
        - 0080
        - 0180

but when I output the content of subs in the code, I get the following result [1, 32, '0080', '0180'],This resulted in less than 4 available camera data in the code. So I delete the subs node in the configuration file, and use all cameras as subs by default. The render result is obtained, but the result is not good. Is there any problem with which parameter is set? Below is the content of the configuration file train.yml

  - config/npu_data/dataset.yml
  - config/npu_data/level_of_gaussian.yml
  - config/npu_data/stage_8_4.yml

exp: output/npu_data/log
gpus: [0]

log_interval: 1000
save_interval: 10_000

max_steps: 750

  module: LoG.render.renderer.NaiveRendererAndLoss
    use_origin_render: False
    use_randback: True

  dataset: $dataset
  render: $RGB_RENDER_L1_SSIM
  stages: $NAIVE_STAGE
    method: scale_min
      scale: 4
chingswy commented 2 months ago

Hello, in the grammar of yaml, you should use "" to represent the string.

    enable_sh: True
    log_query: False
    module: LoG.dataset.demo.InterpolatePath
      cameras: $PLYNAME
      scale: 4
      steps: 600
        - "0001"
        - "0040"
        - "0080"
        - "0180"
AiYoWeiYL commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your reply. Now I can get the render result, but the render result is not very good, as shown in the image below. What might be the cause of this? Your advice would be appreciated. Thanks! compare

chingswy commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the update. The render result does look unusual. Typically, our method should achieve a better fit at least in the training view. Please make sure that your camera calibration is accurate, as it significantly impacts the results.

AiYoWeiYL commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your reply.

I think the intri.yml obtained by colmap calibration are OK.

Is it possible that the number of points in the sparse point cloud obtained by colmap is too small, resulting in poor rendering results? I used 180 images with 1920*1080 resolution for colmap, and obtained 60,000 sparse point cloud points.

Or is it possible that the use_origin_renderparameter result to the problem, I set this parameter to false otherwise an error will be reported.The error basically means that the unknown parameter use_filter is passed, which is attributed to the following code

if not self.use_origin_render and not model.training:
     name_args['use_filter'] = False
ret = rasterizer(**name_args)
chingswy commented 2 months ago

Hello, you must set use_origin_render to False. You can comment the following line to make it work:

# if not self.use_origin_render and not model.training:
#      name_args['use_filter'] = False

The proper way is to re-install mydiffgaussian:

cd submodules
# clone the modified gs
git clone https://github.com/chingswy/diff-gaussian-rasterization.git mydiffgaussian --recursive
cd mydiffgaussian
git checkout antialias
# or just pull it from github
git pull origin antialias
pip install . -v
cd ..
AiYoWeiYL commented 2 months ago

Hello, I re-git and install mydiffgaussian module as you said, and set use_origin_render to False, but the rendering result is not improved. So I tried to reproduce the rendering results of a small data set you provided to see if there was something wrong with my steps.

The small data set you provided includes two resolutions of 768*512and 1536*1024. I tested the images separately with both resolutions and got different results. As shown in the following picture compare2

Does this mean that the more points in the initial point cloud (and the higher the image resolution), the better the rendering? The 1536*1024 set of images produced an initial point cloud count of 150,000 by colmap.

The above two sets of data are rendered using the same steps and Configuration files, except that the path of the image is different. Here are all the configuration file contents.

  1. train.yml
    - config/test2/dataset.yml
    - config/test2/level_of_gaussian.yml
    - config/test2/stage_8_4.yml

exp: output/example/test2/log gpus: [0]

log_interval: 1000 save_interval: 10_000

max_steps: 750

RGB_RENDER_L1_SSIM: module: LoG.render.renderer.NaiveRendererAndLoss args: use_origin_render: False use_randback: True

train: dataset: $dataset render: $RGB_RENDER_L1_SSIM stages: $NAIVE_STAGE init: method: scale_min dataset_state: scale: 4

val: dataset: $val_dataset iteration: 10000

2. stage_8_4.yml

num_workers: &num_workers 4

NAIVE_STAGE: init: loader: module: iteration args: batch_size: 1 iterations: 150 num_workers: num_workers dataset_state: scale: 8 model_state: {} tree: loader: module: iteration args: batch_size: 1 iterations: 550 num_workers: num_workers dataset_state: scale: 4 render_state: render_depth: False model_state: enable_sh: True

3. level_of_gaussian.yml

max_steps: 600

model: module: LoG.model.level_of_gaussian.LoG args: use_view_correction: True gaussian: xyz_scale: $xyz_scale sh_degree: 1 init_ply: scale3d: $scale3d filename: $PLYNAME init_opacity: 0.1 optimizer: optimize_keys: [xyz, colors, scaling, opacity, rotation, shs] opt_all_levels: True # optimize all level or not lr_dict: xyz: 0.00016 xyz_final: 0.0000016 xyz_scale: $xyz_scale colors: 0.0025 shs: 0.000125 scaling: 0.005 opacity: 0.05 # lr_opacity > lr_scaling rotation: 0.001 max_steps: $max_steps # 30_000 tree: max_child: 4 max_level: 30 densify_and_remove:

add sh degree

  upgrade_sh_iter: 10
  densify_from_iter: 1
  densify_every_iter: 1
  upgrade_repeat: 50
  # init
  init_split_method: split_by_2d
  init_radius_min: 4
  init_radius_split: 16
  init_weight_min: 0.1
  min_steps: 50
  # densify
  method: naive
  split_grad_thres: 0.0002
  radius2d_thres: 6
  remove_weights_thres: 0.005
  max_split_points: 20000
  sort_method: radii
  min_steps_split: 100
  scaling_decay: 0.9
4. dataset.yml

root: data/test2 PLYNAME: data/test2/sparse/0/sparse.npz scale3d: 1. xyz_scale: 1.

dataset: module: LoG.dataset.colmap.ImageDataset args: root: $root pre_undis: True share_camera: False scales: [1, 2, 4, 8] crop_size: [-1, -1] znear: 0.001 zfar: 100. scale3d: $scale3d ext: .JPG

val_dataset: module: LoG.dataset.colmap.ImageDataset args: root: $root namelist:

demo_interpolate: model_state: enable_sh: True log_query: False render_state: background: [1., 1., 1.] dataset: module: LoG.dataset.demo.InterpolatePath args: cameras: $PLYNAME scale: 2 steps: 300 subs:

demo_level: model_state: enable_sh: True log_query: False dataset: module: LoG.dataset.demo.ShowLevel args: cameras: $PLYNAME steps: 10 sub: y/8y01073 scale: 4

demo_pixel: model_state: enable_sh: True log_query: True dataset: module: LoG.dataset.demo.ShowLevel args: mode: pixel cameras: $PLYNAME steps: 300 sub: y/8y01073 scale: 4

demo_lod: model_state: enable_sh: True log_query: False dataset: module: LoG.dataset.demo.ZoomInOut args: cameras: $PLYNAME sub: y/8y01073 zranges: [-20., 1.] scale: 2 use_logspace: False

chingswy commented 2 months ago

Hello, the default configuration uses a training resolution that is downsampled by a scale of 8 or 4 because the input images we provide from drone captures are high resolution. If your original image resolution is not high, you should modify the scale in the corresponding dataset.yml and stage_8_4.yml. For example, change the init stage to use scale 2 and the tree stage to use scale 1.

AiYoWeiYL commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your reply. The result looks much better after modifying the scale!