zju3dv / PGSR

code for "PGSR: Planar-based Gaussian Splatting for Efficient and High-Fidelity Surface Reconstruction"
409 stars 22 forks source link

abnormal eval #23

Open superjuices opened 3 weeks ago

superjuices commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for the great work! But I encountered some problems when reproducing the results,as follows: 2024-08-15 19-25-51 的屏幕截图 I executed scripts/run_tnt.py without any changes,can you help answer this?

danpeng2 commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for your attention to our work. The output includes a debug folder. Could you please provide the results from the last iterations to help us pinpoint the issue?

superjuices commented 3 weeks ago

感谢你的回答,从debug文件中的可视化来看好像是正常的 7200it: 07200_000263 20400it: 20400_000130 30000it: 30000_000044

danpeng2 commented 3 weeks ago


superjuices commented 3 weeks ago

好,我再检查下,另外在准备的数据中除了一点没有对齐外,其余都安装数据处理步骤执行,没对齐的是下面一个txt文件: 企业微信截图_20240816142514

HuTaoMylove commented 2 weeks ago

请问如何获得mapping reference呢

superjuices commented 2 weeks ago

我暂时也不知道如何获取mapping reference,但没有这个视乎也能执行