zju3dv / PGSR

code for "PGSR: Planar-based Gaussian Splatting for Efficient and High-Fidelity Surface Reconstruction"
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How to obtain mesh with texture/color? #27

Open slahcnap opened 3 weeks ago

slahcnap commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, I was able to set up and run all the script for custom dataset successfully according to your instruction.

I understood from the previous issue #16 that we should be able to obtain a mesh with texture/color from the current version of code.

However, when I open the ./mesh/tsdf_fusion.ply or./mesh/ tsdf_fusion_post.ply file in Blender I couldn't find any texture/color/UV map in any of them.

I also tried exploring the mesh variable in render.py file by printing out the vertex_colors attribute from the mesh object.

mesh = volume.extract_triangle_mesh()
print("mesh.vertex_colors", np.asarray(mesh.vertex_colors))

and I was able to see that the mesh object already has none 0 values for the colors.


Hence, I am quite confused as to why there is no color when the mesh is exported to the ply file.

Please kindly advice. Thank you very much !

slahcnap commented 3 weeks ago

Moreover, there is no mesh with texture\color when I run DTU dataset.