zju3dv / animatable_nerf

Code for "Animatable Implicit Neural Representations for Creating Realistic Avatars from Videos" TPAMI 2024, ICCV 2021
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A question about quantitative results #17

Closed Auggst closed 2 years ago

Auggst commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quantitative results you provided.

I find a file called "metrics.npy" in it. At first i think the file records results in term of MSE,PSNR and SSIM.But the result i read is only a 23-dimensional array. When we test the model, i find there is also a file, including the results in term of MSE,PSNR and SSIM, called "metrics.npy".

Can you tell me what is the npy file you upload?

pengsida commented 2 years ago


You could simply ignore it.