zju3dv / animatable_nerf

Code for "Animatable Implicit Neural Representations for Creating Realistic Avatars from Videos" TPAMI 2024, ICCV 2021
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Test cameras in ZJU differ from the description in the papers #65

Open ChenYutongTHU opened 5 months ago

ChenYutongTHU commented 5 months ago


The paper mentions that 'using a multi-camera system that has 21 synchronized cameras. We select four cameras for training and use the remaining cameras for testing.'

However, I checked the config.yaml. For ZJU dataset, cfg.training_view is set [0,6,12,18] And there are 23 cameras in total. So the remaining views for testing are [1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21,22]

https://github.com/zju3dv/animatable_nerf/blob/f9b29c54b334e2d8404ede6a5badab6bc747dd22/lib/config/config.py#L24 https://github.com/zju3dv/animatable_nerf/blob/f9b29c54b334e2d8404ede6a5badab6bc747dd22/lib/datasets/tpose_pdf_dataset.py#L26-L33

Thank you!

ChenYutongTHU commented 5 months ago

In fact, I found for subject 313, there are only 21 cameras. Camera (20)(21) are missing. For subjects 387 and 377, there are 23 cameras. Another distinction from the paper is that for subject 377, the WarmUp sequence, in its config.yaml, cfg.num_eval_frame=200.


However, in the paper's table, the number of test frames is 317.

Which test set did you use to report the number in the table? Great thank!

pengsida commented 5 months ago

In the TPAMI version, we use this config: https://github.com/zju3dv/animatable_nerf/blob/master/configs/aligned_nerf_pdf/aligned_aninerf_pdf_377.yaml#L28, which will test all the remaining frames with an interval, resulting in 317 test frames.

ChenYutongTHU commented 5 months ago

I see. So, there are 617 frames in total, (I checked the dataset). I guess with 300 frames for training, there are 317 remaining frames for testing, which are then sampled with interval=30.

Then how about the number of cameras?

pengsida commented 5 months ago

Please see the config file. I use four cameras for training and remaining cameras for test.