zjudmd1015 / Mini-3D-Scanner

A pipeline for online 3D reconstruction of objects only using visual data from RGB-D camera (Kinect V2).
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data is not writing into the ./data folder #2

Open SriGanesh130 opened 5 years ago

SriGanesh130 commented 5 years ago

when running roslaunch scanner pipeline.launch it is showing [pcl::PCDReader::readHeader]could not find the file '/home/.......'

kunaala commented 5 years ago

I experienced the same error even when I changed the path to my own username

zkg commented 5 years ago

There's a bunch of other paths hardcoded on: src/pcl_processing.cpp src/showRegResultOnline.cpp src/kinect2_emulator.cpp src/rotation_dir.cpp Change them and you should be good to go.

mbouhallel commented 5 years ago

Got the same problem even after changing the paths (you forgot to mention the path on "open3d_processing.py"). I even try to create "registerResult.pcd", but then the error becomes "no point to read". I feel like the python script don't have the access to write in registerResult.pcd (or even create if it's not done manually).

EDIT : To be more specific about the issue, I realised that the python script (open3d_processing.py) doesn't recognise py3d, I even tried to move to the folder where the library open3d is, but still py3d isn't recognised.

And by the way, even "from open3d import *" doesn't work, I get this error code

ImportError: /home/laer1/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/open3d/linux/open3d.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

Which is, I guess, caused by me working on a 32-bit OS ?

mbouhallel commented 5 years ago

I was able to resolve the previous issue by using a 64-bit OS. But "scanner pipeline" is still not working. I'm pretty sure that it's because py3d isn't recognized by python (I can import open3d but not py3d), but I can't find an effective way to resolve this issue.

zjudmd1015 commented 5 years ago

There's a bunch of other paths hardcoded on: src/pcl_processing.cpp src/showRegResultOnline.cpp src/kinect2_emulator.cpp src/rotation_dir.cpp Change them and you should be good to go.

@zkg Thanks for the help. I know this is not elegant, but I hardcoded many paths then.

zjudmd1015 commented 5 years ago

I was able to resolve the previous issue by using a 64-bit OS. But "scanner pipeline" is still not working. I'm pretty sure that it's because py3d isn't recognized by python (I can import open3d but not py3d), but I can't find an effective way to resolve this issue.

@mbouhallel It did take me lots of time to solve the dependency problem. An easy way is to explicitly add the lib path in your python script. Plus, the new version of Open3D probably have solved this dependency problem, please check it out.

venkatesh71097 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I still am not able to resolve the 'could not find the file '/home/.......'' problem. I've changed the file directory specifications with my username. Can you please help me out? I've modified py3d to open3d as well. I'm not sure what to modify further to make it work.

roslaunch scanner pipeline.launch is just giving me '[pcl::PCDReader::readHeader] Could not find file '/home/venkatesh/catkin_ws/src/scanner/data/result/registerResult.pcd'.'