zjumsj / GaussianBlendshapes

GNU General Public License v3.0
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error occurred when training and testing with pre-released data and corresponding pre-trained model #4

Open superlearnerG opened 1 month ago

superlearnerG commented 1 month ago

Dear Author,

I would like to express my sincere admiration and gratitude for your outstanding work. I have just run your code using the dataset and pre-trained model you provided, and encountered some issues: the train.py script randomly triggers an error during the training loop, stating ‘NaN or Inf found in input tensor.’ Additionally, when I directly load the pre-trained model and run test.py, the rendered result is merely a completely black silhouette of a human head. The example dataset I used is "biden." Could you please advise if this is due to my incorrect usage or some other reason? I look forward to your response, as it would be of great value!

Best regards,

Training Details: GPU: RTX 3090
CUDA Version: 12.2 Environment: activate by environment.yml Error: See the picture below

截屏2024-09-13 00 58 44

Render with Pre-trained Model: See the picture below (using white background when running test.py)

截屏2024-09-13 00 59 43