zjunlp / EasyEdit

[知识编辑] [ACL 2024] An Easy-to-use Knowledge Editing Framework for LLMs.
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[BUG] GRACE editor with large eps. #298

Closed leeve818 closed 1 month ago

leeve818 commented 1 month ago

Hi! Thanks for your awesome framework!

I am now playing with GRACE on llama2 recently but I met some issue with trying with eps value larger than 100 while keeping other parameters unchanged. The rewrite acc and F1 drops significantly. The key used to query in the codebook changes in one generation call with multiple model forward passes and thus the distance changes which is relevant to the eps. This doesn't occur when editing on gpt2-xl model.

Could you please check this issus?

pengzju commented 1 month ago

Hi, I don't quite get what you mean. From my experience, increasing eps doesn't lead to a decrease in rewrite acc because a larger deferral radius should result in a higher hit probability. Additionally, could you please explain in detail what you mean by "The key used to query in the codebook changes"?

zxlzr commented 1 month ago

hi, could you please provide more details of your questions?

leeve818 commented 1 month ago

Hi. @pengzju You are right, this is what GRACE is supposed to do, however, the code does not act like that. Let's talk about this issue step by step. This issue happens with model: llama2. You can reproduce this error with your default hparams in ./hparams/GRACE/llama-7B.yaml but just change eps to 100 or more, like 1000 or 10000. The query key changes in a single prompt if you just use one picec of data to edit. For llama model in a single generation step, when generating answers, the query variable changes in multiple forward(self, *args) calls from GRACEAdapter(torch.nn.Module). For the dataset you provided in ./data/portability/One Hop/zsre_mend_eval_portability_gpt4.json, the rewrite acc drops from 0.9916 to 0.3273. Please check this out. Thank.

pengzju commented 1 month ago

I have fixed this issue (https://github.com/zjunlp/EasyEdit/commit/38c5c34d614646db14a45f59790434bc2f520c1b), please update EasyEdit and try again

zxlzr commented 1 month ago

Hi, do you have any further questions?

leeve818 commented 1 month ago

Hi. The problem solved. Thanks for your help. I may close this issue.

leeve818 commented 1 month ago

Hi. I need to reopen this issue. I just tested the new version. The editing speed is 5-10x slower then the previous version. Is this a normal phenomenon? By the way, does GRACE here support batch editing?

pengzju commented 1 month ago

Q1: It's normal. I just set n_iters from 100 to 50. In addition, increasing eps will reduce some fine-tuning costs because more Keys are shared

Q2: Nope. plz refer to GRACE paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.11031

leeve818 commented 1 month ago
