zjwegert / GridapTopOpt.jl

A computational toolbox for level set-based topology optimisation in Julia
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Hyperelasticity + PETSc + large deformations: `DIVERGED_INDEFINITE_PC` #35

Closed zjwegert closed 8 months ago

zjwegert commented 9 months ago

The ElasticitySolver implemented for linear elasticity does not converge for the linear solve in hyper-elastic problems (e.g., Saint Venant-Kirchhoff or Neo-hookean, the latter is the dev Gridap tutorial) even with relatively small strains.

using Gridap, Gridap.MultiField, GridapDistributed, GridapPETSc, GridapSolvers, 
  PartitionedArrays, LSTO_Distributed, SparseMatricesCSR
using GridapSolvers: NewtonSolver

function main(mesh_partition,distribute,el_size,δₓ)
  ranks = distribute(LinearIndices((prod(mesh_partition),)))

  ## Parameters
  order = 1
  dom = (0,xmax,0,ymax,0,zmax)
  γ = 0.1
  γ_reinit = 0.5
  max_steps = floor(Int,minimum(el_size)/3)
  tol = 1/(2order^2)*prod(inv,minimum(el_size))
  η_coeff = 2
  path = dirname(dirname(@__DIR__))*"/results/testing_hyper_elast"
  i_am_main(ranks) && ~isdir(path) && mkdir(path)

  ## FE Setup
  model = CartesianDiscreteModel(ranks,mesh_partition,dom,el_size)
  Δ = get_Δ(model)
  f_Γ_D(x) = (x[1] ≈ 0.0)
  f_Γ_N(x) = (x[1] ≈ xmax)

  ## Triangulations and measures
  Ω = Triangulation(model)
  dΩ = Measure(Ω,2order)

  ## Spaces
  reffe = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,VectorValue{3,Float64},order)
  reffe_scalar = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,order)
  V = TestFESpace(model,reffe;dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_D","Gamma_N"])
  U = TrialFESpace(V,[VectorValue(0.0,0.0,0.0),VectorValue(δₓ,0.0,0.0)])
  V_φ = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar)
  V_reg = TestFESpace(model,reffe_scalar;dirichlet_tags=["Gamma_N"])
  U_reg = TrialFESpace(V_reg,0)

  ## Create FE functions
  # φh = interpolate(gen_lsf(4,0.2),V_φ)
  φh = interpolate(x->-1,V_φ)

  ## Interpolation and weak form
  interp = SmoothErsatzMaterialInterpolation(η = η_coeff*maximum(Δ))
  I,H,DH,ρ = interp.I,interp.H,interp.DH,interp.ρ

  ## Material properties and loading
  _E = 1000
  ν = 0.3
  μ, λ = _E/(2*(1 + ν)), _E*ν/((1 + ν)*(1 - 2*ν))

  ## Saint Venant–Kirchhoff law
  F(∇u) = one(∇u) + ∇u'
  E(F) = 0.5*( F' ⋅ F - one(F) )
  Σ(∇u) = λ*tr(E(F(∇u)))*one(∇u)+2*μ*E(F(∇u))
  T(∇u) = F(∇u) ⋅ Σ(∇u)
  res(u,v,φ,dΩ) = ∫((I ∘ φ)*((T ∘ ∇(u)) ⊙ ∇(v)))dΩ

  ## Finite difference solver and level set function
  stencil = AdvectionStencil(FirstOrderStencil(3,Float64),model,V_φ,tol,max_steps)

  ## Setup solver and FE operators
  Tm = SparseMatrixCSR{0,PetscScalar,PetscInt}
  Tv = Vector{PetscScalar}
  lin_solver = ElasticitySolver(V)
  nl_solver = NewtonSolver(lin_solver;maxiter=50,rtol=10^-8,verbose=i_am_main(ranks))

  state_map = NonlinearFEStateMap(
    assem_U = SparseMatrixAssembler(Tm,Tv,U,V),
    assem_adjoint = SparseMatrixAssembler(Tm,Tv,V,U),
    assem_deriv = SparseMatrixAssembler(Tm,Tv,U_reg,U_reg),
    nls = nl_solver, adjoint_ls = lin_solver

  ## Optimiser
  u = LSTO_Distributed.forward_solve(state_map,φh)
  uh = FEFunction(U,u)
  write_vtk(Ω,path*"/struc_$δₓ",0,["phi"=>φh,"H(phi)"=>(H ∘ φh),"|nabla(phi))|"=>(norm ∘ ∇(φh)),"uh"=>uh];iter_mod=1)

with_mpi() do distribute
  mesh_partition = (3,2,2)
  el_size = (50,25,25)
  hilb_solver_options = "-pc_type gamg -ksp_type cg -ksp_error_if_not_converged true 
    -ksp_converged_reason -ksp_rtol 1.0e-12 -mat_block_size 3
    -mg_levels_ksp_type chebyshev -mg_levels_esteig_ksp_type cg -mg_coarse_sub_pc_type cholesky"

  GridapPETSc.with(args=split(hilb_solver_options)) do

For the final case which corresponds to 5% strain the output looks like

KSP Object: 12 MPI processes
  type: cg
  maximum iterations=200, initial guess is zero
  tolerances:  relative=1e-12, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000.
  left preconditioning
  using DEFAULT norm type for convergence test
PC Object: 12 MPI processes
  type: gamg
  PC has not been set up so information may be incomplete
    type is MULTIPLICATIVE, levels=0 cycles=unknown
      Cycles per PCApply=0
      Using externally compute Galerkin coarse grid matrices
      GAMG specific options
        Threshold for dropping small values in graph on each level =  
        Threshold scaling factor for each level not specified = 1.
        AGG specific options
          Number of levels to square graph 0
          Number smoothing steps 1
        Complexity:    grid = 0.    operator = 0.
  linear system matrix = precond matrix:
  Mat Object: 12 MPI processes
    type: mpiaij
    rows=99372, cols=99372
    total: nonzeros=7537680, allocated nonzeros=7537680
    total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls=0
      has attached near null space
      using I-node (on process 0) routines: found 2160 nodes, limit used is 5
KSP Object: 12 MPI processes
  type: cg
  maximum iterations=200, initial guess is zero
  tolerances:  relative=1e-12, absolute=1e-50, divergence=10000.
  left preconditioning
  using DEFAULT norm type for convergence test
PC Object: 12 MPI processes
  type: gamg
  PC has not been set up so information may be incomplete
    type is MULTIPLICATIVE, levels=0 cycles=unknown
      Cycles per PCApply=0
      Using externally compute Galerkin coarse grid matrices
      GAMG specific options
        Threshold for dropping small values in graph on each level =  
        Threshold scaling factor for each level not specified = 1.
        AGG specific options
          Number of levels to square graph 0
          Number smoothing steps 1
        Complexity:    grid = 0.    operator = 0.
  linear system matrix = precond matrix:
  Mat Object: 12 MPI processes
    type: mpiaij
    rows=99372, cols=99372
    total: nonzeros=7537680, allocated nonzeros=7537680
    total number of mallocs used during MatSetValues calls=0
      has attached near null space
      using I-node (on process 0) routines: found 2160 nodes, limit used is 5
--------------- Starting Newton-Raphson solver --------
  > Iteration   0 - Residuals: 1.04e+03,   1.00e+00 
Linear solve did not converge due to DIVERGED_INDEFINITE_MAT iterations 3
  > Iteration   1 - Residuals: 3.28e+02,   3.15e-01 
Linear solve did not converge due to DIVERGED_INDEFINITE_MAT iterations 6
  > Iteration   2 - Residuals: 2.05e+05,   1.97e+02 
Linear solve did not converge due to DIVERGED_INDEFINITE_PC iterations 3
  > Iteration   3 - Residuals: 2.13e+05,   2.05e+02 
Linear solve did not converge due to DIVERGED_INDEFINITE_PC iterations 2
  > Iteration   4 - Residuals: 2.17e+05,   2.09e+02 
Linear solve did not converge due to DIVERGED_INDEFINITE_PC iterations 2
  > Iteration   5 - Residuals: 1.70e+06,   1.64e+03 

... (and so on until error)

This may be because of asymmetry or max/min eigenvalues of resulting Jacobian? I messed around with PETSc settings etc and wasn't able to improve the situation.


JordiManyer commented 9 months ago

The elasticity solver is for elasticity, as the name indicates. I don't know if the kernel of the hyperelasticity operator is the same as the one of the elasticity one, but it does seem like it isn't.

zjwegert commented 9 months ago

Sure I hadn't looked into it much but was under the impression that there was some correspondence under linearisation.

It is worth mentioning that for small displacements the solver actually seems to work fairly well.

Edit: There is something similar in the PETSc examples (link), also related to this paper (link). Unfortunately, we run into the problem with cache.op !=== op again. Alternatively, do you have any thoughts on just the inner linear solver?

Given we have the 2d serial version, the 3d problem can just have a disclaimer regarding large deformations and saying that more work is required for solver that can handle large deformations. Worth thinking about it though.

zjwegert commented 9 months ago

I tested this with MUMPS and it helps up to a point but at some values of BCs there are issues with divergence of the Newton method - another thing to be expected with this kind of problem at large displacements. We could utilise the nonlinear solvers in PETSc but this requires some work with GridapPETSc as we have discussed previously.

I think this can be labelled as future work.

JordiManyer commented 9 months ago

Unfortunately, we run into the problem with cache.op !=== op again

That problem is easily fixable. It's a documented issue/caveat in GridapPETSc. We just need to overwrite a function, and everything should work (as long as the sparsity pattern of the matrix does not change).

zjwegert commented 9 months ago

Great. That might be the go then and will allow us to utilise both linear and nonlinear solvers in PETSc here.

zjwegert commented 8 months ago

Hey @JordiManyer, I might have a look into this at some point - can you point me to the function that we need to overwrite?