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What's a way to start to contributing to npm or getting started to work on package managers? #11

Closed lucas-aragno closed 7 years ago

zkat commented 7 years ago

Probably the best way to get started with npm contribution right now is to look for issues to tackle in pacote, make-fetch-happen, and cacache. I'm also looking for someone who would be willing/able to port [Molinillo]() to JS in a way that's compatible with pacote, since we're hoping to use that algorithm for a related package manager for frontend users.

As we extract more chunks of npm into smaller external libraries, I'm hoping we'll see a lot more useful contribution to the project. 👍 There's some projects already taking advantage of this, such as cipm.

You might also want to join package.community, which is where we coordinate a lot of our work and talk about the future. It's not just npm folks there, either -- it's a general community for package manager devs.