zkat / maybe-hugs

Polyglot implementations of conditional hugging
115 stars 25 forks source link

add elm implementation #21

Closed basti1302 closed 9 years ago

basti1302 commented 9 years ago

This adds an implementation in elm. It also comes with a small elm web app that generates a new random cutie once a second and tells us about their hugging preferences.

zkat commented 9 years ago

I really dig this! It's a nice basic example of setting up an Elm project with the usual node toolchain, too! (I assume you yoinked this from TodoMVC based on the unchanged title on that page)

Thanks for the PR :)

main = p [class "cutie"] [text <| maybeHug @basti1302]
basti1302 commented 9 years ago

Yes, I borrowed some CSS snippets and a bit of HTML there, right. I assume @evancz does not mind? I send a follow up PR to change the title soonish. Thanks for merging <3

Kind regards (cutie @basti1302 True)

evancz commented 9 years ago

Yeah, no problem :)