zkbt / MITTENS

MEarth IDL Tools for Transits of Extrasolar Neptunes and Super-earths
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Add more interesting panels to the population plot. #24

Open zkbt opened 8 years ago

zkbt commented 8 years ago

For example, number of datapoints in the phase-folded MarPLE event.

Mondrik commented 8 years ago

Hey Zach,

If I wanted to take a crack at implementing this, where is the place to start? From my preliminary investigation, I am guessing the following:

In plot_inspect_population.pro, we have

possible_modes = ['candidates_period', 'candidates_ratio', 'candidates_nboxes', 'marple_hjd', 'marple_depth', 'marple_depthuncertainty', 'marple_npoints', 'sample_radial']

so I'll want to append something like npoints in marple to this list. This makes the option accessible to other parts of the program.

Then, we need to actually make the plot down in line 55, where is x axis will be something like "summary_of_candidates.pointsinmarple" or something similar (does anything like this exist?).

I think the main question is the last one -- It looks like load_summary_of_candidates.pro handles the info I will need; specifically,

    template = create_struct('MO', '', 'STAR_DIR', '', {period:0.0d, hjd0:0.0d, duration:0.0, depth:0.0d, depth_uncertainty:0.0d, ratio:0.0, n_boxes:0, n_points:0, rescaling:1.0, inflation_for_bad_duration:1.0, stats:{boxes:fltarr(9), points:0, points_per_box:fltarr(9), start:0.0d, finish:0.0d, periods_searched:0L}} )

It looks like this is the information available, but I think the most likely one that we want is n_points, but it seems that n_points is not really what I want it to be. What's the best way to chase down the number of points in transit of a folded marple'd light curve?