zkcrypto / bellman

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How `eval_at_tau` works? #86

Open qy3u opened 2 years ago

qy3u commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry to ask this question because this question does not involve the correctness of the code, but is purely a question of my own understanding. After inquiring some information, I did not get a suitable answer, so I think I can only ask the question in here it is.

I don't quite understand how the eval_of_tau function in generator works.

Here is the eval_at_tau function: https://github.com/zkcrypto/bellman/blob/9bb30a7bd261f2aa62840b80ed6750c622bebec3/src/groth16/generator.rs#L371-L384

Its second parameter is the QAP polynomial stored in point-valued form: https://github.com/zkcrypto/bellman/blob/9bb30a7bd261f2aa62840b80ed6750c622bebec3/src/groth16/generator.rs#L313-L316

It's first parameter is powers_of_tau, but this powers_of_tau confuses me. In the front, this variable is exactly what it says, it is the powers of tau https://github.com/zkcrypto/bellman/blob/9bb30a7bd261f2aa62840b80ed6750c622bebec3/src/groth16/generator.rs#L244-L259

But before actually using it, make the following transformation: https://github.com/zkcrypto/bellman/blob/9bb30a7bd261f2aa62840b80ed6750c622bebec3/src/groth16/generator.rs#L294-L295

So as I understand it, from here on powers_of_tau becomes the coefficients (a0, a1, ..an) of the polynomial f(x) such that A polynomial of the form f(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x^2 .... an * x^n Satisfy: f(ω0) = tau^0 f(ω1) = tau^1 ....

In this case, according to the implementation of the eval_at_tau function https://github.com/zkcrypto/bellman/blob/9bb30a7bd261f2aa62840b80ed6750c622bebec3/src/groth16/generator.rs#L375-L381

How can this be the value of a QAP polynomial at tau?

Because powers_of_tau has been ifft transformed before, so powers_of_tau[index].0 here should be the indexth coefficient of f(x). What is the significance of multiplying this coefficient with coeff?

I guess based on the comments, here is the equivalent to the point value form of QAP by doing Lagrangian interpolation, the formula:

$$ L(x) = \sum _{j=0}^{k} {y}_j * {l}_j(x) $$

Then coeff is equivalent to $$ {y}_j $$

Then the jth item of powers_of_tau is equal to the l_j(x) corresponding to y_j?

Is this guess correct? Is there any formula to prove that they are indeed equal? Thanks!