zkemail / zk-email-verify

Verify any text in any sent or received email, cryptographically and via only trusting the sending mailserver.
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Feat: Reveal Substring Template #207

Closed shreyas-londhe closed 1 month ago

shreyas-londhe commented 3 months ago


This PR introduces a new circom template called SubstringMatch that verifies if a given substring exists within a larger string at a specified index.

The SubstringMatch template uses a Random Linear Combination (RLC) approach to perform efficient substring comparisons. This method allows for constant-time verification regardless of the input string length, making it suitable for use in zk-SNARKs.

Type of Change

Functionality and Usage Example

The SubstringMatch template takes the following parameters and inputs:

Example usage:

pragma circom 2.1.6;

include "substring-match.circom";

template Example() {
  var maxLength = 100;
  var maxSubstringLength = 20;

  component substringMatch = SubstringMatch(maxLength, maxSubstringLength);

  // Input string: "Hello, World!"
  substringMatch.in <== [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33, 0, 0, ...]; // Padded with zeros

  // Start index: 7 (position of "W")
  substringMatch.startIndex <== 7;

  // Substring to match: "World"
  substringMatch.revealedString <== [87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 0, 0, ...]; // Padded with zeros

  // Random value for RLC
  substringMatch.r <== 123456789;

  // The output will be 1 (true) because "World" is found at index 7 in "Hello, World!"
  signal output result;

  result <== substringMatch.isValid;

This example demonstrates how to use the SubstringMatch template to verify that the substring "World" exists within the string "Hello, World!" starting at index 7.


Divide-By-0 commented 3 months ago

Can we add an option for someone to constrain 'only one' or something, meaning that if its on it checks the rest of the string, and if any other substring matches then it returns an argument of 0? Can you also calculate r automatically with fiat shamir on all the inputs? So like the query string, the large string, and the index?

shreyas-londhe commented 3 months ago


Can we add an option for someone to constrain 'only one' or something, meaning that if its on it checks the rest of the string, and if any other substring matches then it returns an argument of 0?

I think these are two different use cases:

  1. Proving that a substring exists in a string at an index.
  2. Proving that a substring exists in a string.

The current template is optimised to follow Case 1.

What I suggest we can do is, we can have two variations for the two cases. For Case 2, we can use Zac's string search algorithm (https://github.com/noir-lang/noir_string_search) which is efficient for that case.