Closed nfMalde closed 2 years ago
Thanks for porting Redis 7 to Windows. I was trying to make it runnable in the docker env by reproducing the steps of the 3.x redis version for windows containers:
Redis 3.x is not longer working with up2date StackExchange Extension for .net 6. However after reproducing the above config I recieve from redis: "no active connection available".
Docker file I made below:
# escape=` FROM as base ENV REDIS_DOWNLOAD_URL= ENV REDIS_NAME="redis-windows-redis7.0" FROM base as download SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] WORKDIR / # Setup Environment RUN ` $newPath = ('C:\Redis;{0}' -f $env:PATH);` Write-Host ('Updating PATH: {0}' -f $newPath);` setx /M PATH $newPath; # Install RUN ` Write-Host ('Downloading {0} ...' -f $env:REDIS_DOWNLOAD_URL);` Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $env:REDIS_DOWNLOAD_URL -OutFile '';` Write-Host 'Expanding ...';` Expand-Archive -DestinationPath C:\redis-download; ` mkdir "Redis";` Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\\redis-download\\$($env:REDIS_NAME)" -Recurse -File | Move-Item -Verbose -Force -Destination "Redis";` Write-Host 'Verifying install ("redis-server --version") ...';` redis-server --version;` Write-Host 'Removing ...';` Remove-Item -Force RUN dir WORKDIR / RUN mkdir C:\data VOLUME C:\data WORKDIR /data ADD ["redis.docker.conf", "/Redis"] ADD ["", "/Redis"] RUN (Get-Content C:\Redis\ -Replace '^(bind)\s+.*$', '$1' -Replace '^(protected-mode)\s+.*$', '$1 no' | Set-Content C:\Redis\redis.docker.conf EXPOSE 6379/tcp ENTRYPOINT [ "redis-server.exe", "redis.docker.conf" ]
"no active connection available" means connect failed,it does not respond by can use redis-cli.exe to test it
Thanks for porting Redis 7 to Windows. I was trying to make it runnable in the docker env by reproducing the steps of the 3.x redis version for windows containers:
Redis 3.x is not longer working with up2date StackExchange Extension for .net 6. However after reproducing the above config I recieve from redis: "no active connection available".
Docker file I made below: