Is it possible to impute multiple specified regions using --impute.range?
One range can be specified
e.g. --impute.range 1:39910928-1:40160928
But multiple ranges does not seem to work (similar to multiple --impute.snp or --tag.snp)
e.g. --impute.range <(echo 1:39910928-1:40160928 1:51131091-1:51381091 | tr ' ' '\n')
Is it possible to impute multiple specified regions using --impute.range?
One range can be specified e.g. --impute.range 1:39910928-1:40160928
But multiple ranges does not seem to work (similar to multiple --impute.snp or --tag.snp) e.g. --impute.range <(echo 1:39910928-1:40160928 1:51131091-1:51381091 | tr ' ' '\n')