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Wait until ready returns success immediately #84

Open mattdodge opened 4 years ago

mattdodge commented 4 years ago


What happened: The put step with a wait_until_ready_selector is returning success immediately. It's almost too fast for its own good!

What you expected to happen: I expect the wait step to wait until the deployment update is complete.

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible): Have a kubernetes deployment with a normal RollingUpdate strategy. Use this kubernetes-resource to put changes to the deployment like so:

- put: prod-kube
    kubectl: apply -f ymls/my-app-deployment.yml
    wait_until_ready: 60
    wait_until_ready_selector: app=my-app

When this step runs I see this in the output:

+ kubectl apply -f ymls/my-app-deployment.yml
deployment.extensions/my-app configured
Waiting for pods to be ready for 60s (interval: 3s, selector: app=my-app)
Waiting for pods to be ready... (0/0)

This returns true immediately despite the fact that the new pod/replicaset hasn't actually spun up yet. It seems like resource is checking the ready status before the new pod is even created. Likely some kind of race condition with Kubernetes.


mumoshu commented 4 years ago

@mattdodge Hey! Thanks a lot for your detailed report.

This does seem like a race issue.

We do currently rely solely on wait_until_ready_selector to select which pods to be examined for readiness. I believe this would result in including pods from the old generation of the deployment.

A possible fix here would be to leverage the "revision" number of the deployment that is inherited down to the replicaset and pods.

1. Look for the new "revision" of the deployment: ```yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: "3" # snip ``` 2. Look for the replicaset generated for that revision. You could use the `deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: "3"` annotation in combination with the owner reference to select the replicaset: ```yaml apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: ReplicaSet metadata: annotations: deployment.kubernetes.io/desired-replicas: "2" deployment.kubernetes.io/max-replicas: "4" deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: "3" creationTimestamp: "2019-11-05T09:08:38Z" generation: 1 labels: app: envoy component: controller pod-template-hash: 67dc7dd6c5 name: envoy-67dc7dd6c5 namespace: default ownerReferences: - apiVersion: apps/v1 blockOwnerDeletion: true controller: true kind: Deployment name: envoy # snip ``` 3. Use `wait_until_ready_selector` along with `pod-template-hash` or the owner reference to select pods to be count from the latest revision only. ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: annotations: creationTimestamp: "2019-11-05T09:08:38Z" generateName: envoy-67dc7dd6c5- labels: app: envoy component: controller pod-template-hash: 67dc7dd6c5 name: envoy-67dc7dd6c5-8m6hc namespace: default ownerReferences: - apiVersion: apps/v1 blockOwnerDeletion: true controller: true kind: ReplicaSet name: envoy-67dc7dd6c5 uid: dab0f913-ffab-11e9-92cd-025000000001 # snip ```

But implementing this straight forward requires us to change the configuration syntax, maybe adding wait_until_ready_deployment: DEPLOYMENT_NAME, deprecating and removing the existing wait_until_ready_selector. I'd hope we can avoid that if possible.

@superbrothers WDYT? Did you have any reason to avoid relying on the "revision" number?

mattdodge commented 4 years ago

I would be in favor of a wait_until_ready_deployment (or something similar) option. It's not quite as flexible as the label selector but it probably covers most of the common use cases.

If we're going that route we could probably make use of the kubectl rollout status command too, rather than digging through revision numbers and all that. This command will wait for the deployment to successfully roll out or will return an error if the timeout is hit. This is actually how I'm getting around this race condition for now. I have a pipeline YML that looks like this:

- put: prod-kube
    kubectl: apply -f ymls/my-app-deployment.yml
- put: prod-kube
    kubectl: rollout status deployment/my-app --timeout 60s
superbrothers commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry for the late reply.

But implementing this straight forward requires us to change the configuration syntax, maybe adding wait_until_ready_deployment: DEPLOYMENT_NAME, deprecating and removing the existing wait_until_ready_selector. I'd hope we can avoid that if possible.

Adding wait_util_ready_<resource> is not flexible, so I don't want to do it as much as possible.

If we're going that route we could probably make use of the kubectl rollout status command too, rather than digging through revision numbers and all that.

Yes, I think so that this is right way. However, wait_until_ready is a required parameter, so it is a breaking change to be changed to a option parameter. At this time, I recommend that you sets wait_until_ready to 0. 0 means don't wait. (I know this is too verbose...)

- put: prod-kube
    kubectl: apply -f ymls/my-app-deployment.yml
    wait_until_ready: 0
- put: prod-kube
    kubectl: rollout status deployment/my-app --timeout 60s
    wait_until_ready: 0
superbrothers commented 4 years ago

I will consider to delete wait_until_ready param and bumps up the major version.