zlainsama / CosmeticArmorReworked

This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor, one for display, one for function.
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Cosmetic Armor Icon Overlayed on Other Inventory GUIs #88

Closed Aiidoneus closed 1 year ago

Aiidoneus commented 1 year ago

Hello, Was setting up a Forge test server and noticed an issue which I am guessing could lead to other issues down the road.

Minecraft: 1.20.1 I am using forge 47.0.3 Cosmetic Armor: cosmeticarmorreworked-1.20.1-v1.jar

Steps to reproduce

  1. Hop onto a server and give yourself OP
  2. Switch to creative mode
  3. Open the creative inventory


This seems to go away after you go back to the survival inventory and then switch back to a creative tab. It does re-appear if you exit out of the inventory totally and then go back to the creative inventory.

I am not sure if other mods are causing this but I am using the All of the Mods 9 modpack on version 0.0.7 if that helps.

Let me know if you need anymore help testing or need more information.

zlainsama commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report. This is an overlook by me.