zlant / parking-lanes

Parking lanes viewer from OpenStreetMap
MIT License
77 stars 13 forks source link

Change colors for people with Red Green weakness #78

Closed tordans closed 2 years ago

tordans commented 2 years ago

I received the feedback that the colors of the app are an issue for people with red green weakness.

Will try some other colors and collect more feedback.

Wanted to raise this here first to let you know and maybe someone has colors preferences?

I tried this simulator to get a feel for the issue. No idea how good that is though (or which option to optimize for)…

image Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-06 um 12 39 32
tordans commented 2 years ago

https://colorbrewer2.org/#type=diverging&scheme=PuOr&n=4 was recommended to me. It looks like a good candidate is…

zlant commented 2 years ago


tordans commented 2 years ago

@zlant from the feedback I received this is a good solution!

tordans commented 2 years ago

Thanks looks good at https://zlant.github.io/parking-lanes/#18/52.50759/13.46244