zlavere / GroupAWeatherAnalysis

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Error message in summary text box when loading file #44

Closed Weemies closed 5 years ago

Weemies commented 5 years ago

On attempting to load this is the output displayed to the summery box. It doesn't seem to be related to the month filter, as loading with input there results in the same error. capture

zlavere commented 5 years ago

You may be attempting to import a second file with the same exact name. You may want to try again with a new name. For example, if you named the first 'Collection' you may want to do 'Collection2'

Otherwise, we may want to look at the try catch statement.


Weemies commented 5 years ago

Potentially, I felt like I'd tried something unused every time, but to double check I used a long and random name, but that resulted in the output:

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index A collection with this name may already exist. Please try again with another name

My only changes were to formatting related stuff for sorting by year, and printing total days in a month. If this issue isn't present for you I'm going to revert to the last push, and merge the changes

Weemies commented 5 years ago

The error was due to implementation based on a misunderstanding of the logic in the TempertureDataFormatter class