Open jimpark opened 4 years ago
It should be possible to call cmake with -DCMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS=ON
Yes, it's just not consistent with the other header files that do have the export macro. If that's the solution, I'd suggest adding it directly to the CMakeLists.txt. It has no effect in linux or macOS but makes the shared library work on Windows. (One thing to note is that this CMake option does not export variables -- though I don't think we need to worry about it in minizip.)
+1 for MZ_EXPORT
Currently dll compiled with mingw exports all symbols by default and there is a lot of "garbage" (functions from zlib etc). Adding export directive should fix this problem and we will have exported only mz_
Here is a current dumpbin
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 14.16.27026.1
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dump of file libminizip.dll
File Type: DLL
Section contains the following exports for libminizip.dll
00000000 characteristics
5ED04684 time date stamp Fri May 29 02:17:24 2020
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
463 number of functions
463 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
1 0 00029820 BZ2_blockSort
2 1 00021600 BZ2_bsInitWrite
3 2 00021010 BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress
4 3 00021130 BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress
5 4 0001EE50 BZ2_bzCompress
6 5 0001EFC0 BZ2_bzCompressEnd
7 6 0001EC00 BZ2_bzCompressInit
8 7 0001F190 BZ2_bzDecompress
9 8 00020180 BZ2_bzDecompressEnd
10 9 0001F050 BZ2_bzDecompressInit
11 A 00020CB0 BZ2_bzRead
12 B 00020C10 BZ2_bzReadClose
13 C 00020F80 BZ2_bzReadGetUnused
14 D 00020810 BZ2_bzReadOpen
15 E 000203A0 BZ2_bzWrite
16 F 000207C0 BZ2_bzWriteClose
17 10 00020560 BZ2_bzWriteClose64
18 11 00020210 BZ2_bzWriteOpen
19 12 0001EB80 BZ2_bz__AssertH__fail
20 13 00021330 BZ2_bzclose
21 14 00021270 BZ2_bzdopen
22 15 00021410 BZ2_bzerror
23 16 00021320 BZ2_bzflush
24 17 00021240 BZ2_bzlibVersion
25 18 00021250 BZ2_bzopen
26 19 00021290 BZ2_bzread
27 1A 000212E0 BZ2_bzwrite
28 1B 00021620 BZ2_compressBlock
29 1C 0002C220 BZ2_crc32Table
30 1D 000252F0 BZ2_decompress
31 1E 00029D90 BZ2_hbAssignCodes
32 1F 00029DF0 BZ2_hbCreateDecodeTables
33 20 000299B0 BZ2_hbMakeCodeLengths
34 21 0001F160 BZ2_indexIntoF
35 22 0002C620 BZ2_rNums
36 23 00034300 _dist_code
37 24 00034200 _length_code
38 25 0001D2F0 _tr_align
39 26 0001D2E0 _tr_flush_bits
40 27 0001D3D0 _tr_flush_block
41 28 0001D0F0 _tr_init
42 29 0001D1D0 _tr_stored_block
43 2A 0001DA70 _tr_tally
44 2B 0001DFF0 adler32
45 2C 0001E000 adler32_combine
46 2D 0001E020 adler32_combine64
47 2E 0001DC40 adler32_z
48 2F 0000C2FC bz_internal_error
49 30 00015490 crc32
50 31 00015740 crc32_combine
51 32 00015760 crc32_combine64
52 33 00015730 crc32_z
53 34 000172C0 deflate
54 35 000171C0 deflateBound
55 36 00018900 deflateCopy
56 37 000184E0 deflateEnd
57 38 00016D50 deflateGetDictionary
58 39 000185C0 deflateInit2_
59 3A 000188B0 deflateInit_
60 3B 000182F0 deflateParams
61 3C 00017000 deflatePending
62 3D 00017060 deflatePrime
63 3E 00016EF0 deflateReset
64 3F 00016DE0 deflateResetKeep
65 40 00016B00 deflateSetDictionary
66 41 00016FC0 deflateSetHeader
67 42 00017160 deflateTune
68 43 00033400 deflate_copyright
69 44 00015480 get_crc_table
70 45 000190A0 inflate
71 46 0001BA20 inflateCodesUsed
72 47 0001B760 inflateCopy
73 48 0001B2C0 inflateEnd
74 49 0001B330 inflateGetDictionary
75 4A 0001B4A0 inflateGetHeader
76 4B 00018EF0 inflateInit2_
77 4C 00018FF0 inflateInit_
78 4D 0001B9C0 inflateMark
79 4E 00019020 inflatePrime
80 4F 00018DE0 inflateReset
81 50 00018E30 inflateReset2
82 51 00018D20 inflateResetKeep
83 52 0001B3D0 inflateSetDictionary
84 53 0001B4F0 inflateSync
85 54 0001B710 inflateSyncPoint
86 55 0001B930 inflateUndermine
87 56 0001B970 inflateValidate
88 57 00034080 inflate_copyright
89 58 0001E040 inflate_fast
90 59 0001BA70 inflate_table
91 5A 0000D084 lzma_alloc
92 5B 0000D0C3 lzma_alloc_zero
93 5C 0000CDB4 lzma_alone_decoder
94 5D 0000CA78 lzma_alone_decoder_init
95 5E 0000D021 lzma_alone_encoder
96 5F 0000D150 lzma_bufcpy
97 60 0000C972 lzma_check_finish
98 61 0000C970 lzma_check_init
99 62 0000C944 lzma_check_is_supported
100 63 0000C959 lzma_check_size
101 64 0000C971 lzma_check_update
102 65 0000D323 lzma_code
103 66 0000C974 lzma_crc32
104 67 0002D100 lzma_crc32_table
105 68 0000D585 lzma_end
106 69 0002F140 lzma_fastpos
107 6A 0000D728 lzma_filter_encoder_is_supported
108 6B 0000D127 lzma_free
109 6C 0000D604 lzma_get_check
110 6D 0000D5C8 lzma_get_progress
111 6E 0000DA47 lzma_lz_decoder_init
112 6F 0000DBC0 lzma_lz_decoder_memusage
113 70 0000DBD2 lzma_lz_decoder_uncompressed
114 71 0000E0B2 lzma_lz_encoder_init
115 72 0000E058 lzma_lz_encoder_memusage
116 73 00012590 lzma_lzma_decoder_create
117 74 00012665 lzma_lzma_decoder_init
118 75 000126ED lzma_lzma_decoder_memusage
119 76 000126D0 lzma_lzma_decoder_memusage_nocheck
120 77 00012ECF lzma_lzma_encode
121 78 00013609 lzma_lzma_encoder_create
122 79 0001372F lzma_lzma_encoder_init
123 7A 00013758 lzma_lzma_encoder_memusage
124 7B 0001342A lzma_lzma_encoder_reset
125 7C 0001268E lzma_lzma_lclppb_decode
126 7D 000137CF lzma_lzma_lclppb_encode
127 7E 00013869 lzma_lzma_optimum_fast
128 7F 00013D84 lzma_lzma_optimum_normal
129 80 0001518C lzma_lzma_preset
130 81 00012709 lzma_lzma_props_decode
131 82 00013800 lzma_lzma_props_encode
132 83 0000D672 lzma_memlimit_get
133 84 0000D6C4 lzma_memlimit_set
134 85 0000D620 lzma_memusage
135 86 0000EBD9 lzma_mf_bt2_find
136 87 0000EC6C lzma_mf_bt2_skip
137 88 0000ECE9 lzma_mf_bt3_find
138 89 0000EE73 lzma_mf_bt3_skip
139 8A 0000EF33 lzma_mf_bt4_find
140 8B 0000F18C lzma_mf_bt4_skip
141 8C 0000E6B7 lzma_mf_find
142 8D 0000E748 lzma_mf_hc3_find
143 8E 0000E89F lzma_mf_hc3_skip
144 8F 0000E912 lzma_mf_hc4_find
145 90 0000EB47 lzma_mf_hc4_skip
146 91 0000E2ED lzma_mf_is_supported
147 92 00013833 lzma_mode_is_supported
148 93 0000D748 lzma_mt_block_size
149 94 0000D1E7 lzma_next_end
150 95 0000D234 lzma_next_filter_init
151 96 0000D19B lzma_next_filter_update
152 97 0000D7AE lzma_properties_encode
153 98 0000D77A lzma_properties_size
154 99 00031300 lzma_rc_prices
155 9A 0000D28B lzma_strm_init
156 9B 0000D078 lzma_version_number
157 9C 0000D07E lzma_version_string
158 9D 000014F0 mz_crypt_crc32_update
159 9E 000018E7 mz_dir_make
160 9F 00001996 mz_file_get_crc
161 A0 0000B027 mz_os_close_dir
162 A1 0000AA70 mz_os_file_exists
163 A2 0000ADED mz_os_get_file_attribs
164 A3 0000AB83 mz_os_get_file_date
165 A4 0000AACA mz_os_get_file_size
166 A5 0000B05A mz_os_is_dir
167 A6 0000B1C2 mz_os_is_symlink
168 A7 0000B126 mz_os_make_dir
169 A8 0000B226 mz_os_make_symlink
170 A9 0000B507 mz_os_ms_time
171 AA 0000AEAC mz_os_open_dir
172 AB 0000A98E mz_os_rand
173 AC 0000AF8F mz_os_read_dir
174 AD 0000B300 mz_os_read_symlink
175 AE 0000A9D4 mz_os_rename
176 AF 0000AE50 mz_os_set_file_attribs
177 B0 0000ACAF mz_os_set_file_date
178 B1 0000A70F mz_os_unicode_string_create
179 B2 0000A7AF mz_os_unicode_string_delete
180 B3 0000B0BB mz_os_unlink
181 B4 0000A7C1 mz_os_utf8_string_create
182 B5 0000A8AB mz_os_utf8_string_create_from_unicode
183 B6 0000A96A mz_os_utf8_string_delete
184 B7 000014F8 mz_path_append_slash
185 B8 00001537 mz_path_combine
186 B9 00001657 mz_path_compare_wc
187 BA 0000161F mz_path_convert_slashes
188 BB 000018AA mz_path_get_filename
189 BC 000015F5 mz_path_has_slash
190 BD 00001869 mz_path_remove_extension
191 BE 00001821 mz_path_remove_filename
192 BF 000015C3 mz_path_remove_slash
193 C0 000016FA mz_path_resolve
194 C1 00002D2E mz_stream_buffered_close
195 C2 00002DA8 mz_stream_buffered_create
196 C3 00002DE5 mz_stream_buffered_delete
197 C4 00002D96 mz_stream_buffered_error
198 C5 00002E5B mz_stream_buffered_get_interface
199 C6 00002838 mz_stream_buffered_is_open
200 C7 00002E0D mz_stream_buffered_open
201 C8 0000284A mz_stream_buffered_read
202 C9 00002AD4 mz_stream_buffered_seek
203 CA 00002CB9 mz_stream_buffered_tell
204 CB 000029B9 mz_stream_buffered_write
205 CC 0000C288 mz_stream_bzip_close
206 CD 0000BFF1 mz_stream_bzip_create
207 CE 0000C037 mz_stream_bzip_delete
208 CF 0000BE33 mz_stream_bzip_error
209 D0 0000C2F6 mz_stream_bzip_get_interface
210 D1 0000BE3E mz_stream_bzip_get_prop_int64
211 D2 0000BE08 mz_stream_bzip_is_open
212 D3 0000BEF2 mz_stream_bzip_open
213 D4 0000C05F mz_stream_bzip_read
214 D5 0000BE2D mz_stream_bzip_seek
215 D6 0000BEAB mz_stream_bzip_set_prop_int64
216 D7 0000BE24 mz_stream_bzip_tell
217 D8 0000C258 mz_stream_bzip_write
218 D9 000025A0 mz_stream_close
219 DA 00001E6A mz_stream_copy
220 DB 00001DD3 mz_stream_copy_stream
221 DC 00001E9B mz_stream_copy_stream_to_end
222 DD 00001F2B mz_stream_copy_to_end
223 DE 000027E4 mz_stream_create
224 DF 00002803 mz_stream_delete
225 E0 000025E5 mz_stream_error
226 E1 00002032 mz_stream_find
227 E2 000022CC mz_stream_find_reverse
228 E3 00002794 mz_stream_get_interface
229 E4 000027A2 mz_stream_get_prop_int64
230 E5 00001B37 mz_stream_is_open
231 E6 0000C8D9 mz_stream_lzma_close
232 E7 0000C77B mz_stream_lzma_create
233 E8 0000C7D6 mz_stream_lzma_delete
234 E9 0000C32B mz_stream_lzma_error
235 EA 0000C93C mz_stream_lzma_get_interface
236 EB 0000C336 mz_stream_lzma_get_prop_int64
237 EC 0000C300 mz_stream_lzma_is_open
238 ED 0000C422 mz_stream_lzma_open
239 EE 0000C623 mz_stream_lzma_read
240 EF 0000C325 mz_stream_lzma_seek
241 F0 0000C3A6 mz_stream_lzma_set_prop_int64
242 F1 0000C31C mz_stream_lzma_tell
243 F2 0000C8A9 mz_stream_lzma_write
244 F3 00002E81 mz_stream_mem_close
245 F4 00002FC6 mz_stream_mem_create
246 F5 00002F87 mz_stream_mem_delete
247 F6 000030B1 mz_stream_mem_error
248 F7 00003115 mz_stream_mem_get_buffer
249 F8 000030CB mz_stream_mem_get_buffer_at
250 F9 0000313F mz_stream_mem_get_buffer_at_current
251 FA 00003167 mz_stream_mem_get_buffer_length
252 FB 00003193 mz_stream_mem_get_interface
253 FC 00002E64 mz_stream_mem_is_open
254 FD 0000300F mz_stream_mem_open
255 FE 00002E84 mz_stream_mem_read
256 FF 00002F17 mz_stream_mem_seek
257 100 000030B4 mz_stream_mem_set_buffer
258 101 00003177 mz_stream_mem_set_buffer_limit
259 102 00003185 mz_stream_mem_set_grow_size
260 103 00002E75 mz_stream_mem_tell
261 104 00003041 mz_stream_mem_write
262 105 00001B19 mz_stream_open
263 106 0000B6EB mz_stream_os_close
264 107 0000B714 mz_stream_os_create
265 108 0000B756 mz_stream_os_delete
266 109 0000B576 mz_stream_os_error
267 10A 0000B8EA mz_stream_os_get_interface
268 10B 0000B560 mz_stream_os_is_open
269 10C 0000B7EF mz_stream_os_open
270 10D 0000B581 mz_stream_os_read
271 10E 0000B77E mz_stream_os_seek
272 10F 0000B661 mz_stream_os_tell
273 110 0000B5F1 mz_stream_os_write
274 111 00001A53 mz_stream_raw_close
275 112 00001AAF mz_stream_raw_create
276 113 00001AF1 mz_stream_raw_delete
277 114 00002772 mz_stream_raw_error
278 115 00001A56 mz_stream_raw_get_prop_int64
279 116 00001D35 mz_stream_raw_is_open
280 117 00001A50 mz_stream_raw_open
281 118 00001BAD mz_stream_raw_read
282 119 00002020 mz_stream_raw_seek
283 11A 00001A8C mz_stream_raw_set_prop_int64
284 11B 00001F9F mz_stream_raw_tell
285 11C 00001CF3 mz_stream_raw_write
286 11D 00001B56 mz_stream_read
287 11E 0000274A mz_stream_read_int64
288 11F 000026D0 mz_stream_read_uint16
289 120 0000270D mz_stream_read_uint32
290 121 0000275E mz_stream_read_uint64
291 122 00002696 mz_stream_read_uint8
292 123 00001FAE mz_stream_seek
293 124 00002784 mz_stream_set_base
294 125 000027C3 mz_stream_set_prop_int64
295 126 000038A9 mz_stream_split_close
296 127 00003280 mz_stream_split_create
297 128 00003226 mz_stream_split_delete
298 129 0000326E mz_stream_split_error
299 12A 000038DE mz_stream_split_get_interface
300 12B 000031B5 mz_stream_split_get_prop_int64
301 12C 0000319C mz_stream_split_is_open
302 12D 00003562 mz_stream_split_open
303 12E 00003719 mz_stream_split_read
304 12F 00003673 mz_stream_split_seek
305 130 000031FA mz_stream_split_set_prop_int64
306 131 0000364A mz_stream_split_tell
307 132 000037A4 mz_stream_split_write
308 133 00001F55 mz_stream_tell
309 134 00001C37 mz_stream_write
310 135 00001DA1 mz_stream_write_int64
311 136 00001D68 mz_stream_write_uint16
312 137 00001D89 mz_stream_write_uint32
313 138 00001DBA mz_stream_write_uint64
314 139 00001D47 mz_stream_write_uint8
315 13A 0000BD8D mz_stream_zlib_close
316 13B 0000BC30 mz_stream_zlib_create
317 13C 0000BC80 mz_stream_zlib_delete
318 13D 0000B91B mz_stream_zlib_error
319 13E 0000BE01 mz_stream_zlib_get_interface
320 13F 0000B929 mz_stream_zlib_get_prop_int64
321 140 0000B8F0 mz_stream_zlib_is_open
322 141 0000B9E4 mz_stream_zlib_open
323 142 0000BB08 mz_stream_zlib_read
324 143 0000B915 mz_stream_zlib_seek
325 144 0000B99C mz_stream_zlib_set_prop_int64
326 145 0000B90C mz_stream_zlib_tell
327 146 0000BD5D mz_stream_zlib_write
328 147 00004516 mz_zip_attrib_convert
329 148 000045B2 mz_zip_attrib_is_dir
330 149 00004667 mz_zip_attrib_is_symlink
331 14A 0000447B mz_zip_attrib_posix_to_win32
332 14B 000044D0 mz_zip_attrib_win32_to_posix
333 14C 000063FB mz_zip_close
334 14D 00003FF8 mz_zip_create
335 14E 00004036 mz_zip_delete
336 14F 00004A7C mz_zip_dosdate_to_time_t
337 150 00004A39 mz_zip_dosdate_to_tm
338 151 000063D0 mz_zip_entry_close
339 152 0000634E mz_zip_entry_close_raw
340 153 000043C5 mz_zip_entry_get_info
341 154 000043F1 mz_zip_entry_get_local_info
342 155 00004607 mz_zip_entry_is_dir
343 156 000042C1 mz_zip_entry_is_open
344 157 000046BC mz_zip_entry_is_symlink
345 158 000042DE mz_zip_entry_read
346 159 0000480C mz_zip_entry_read_close
347 15A 000053C0 mz_zip_entry_read_open
348 15B 00004420 mz_zip_entry_set_extrafield
349 15C 0000435C mz_zip_entry_write
350 15D 0000605D mz_zip_entry_write_close
351 15E 00007AE4 mz_zip_entry_write_open
352 15F 00004795 mz_zip_extrafield_contains
353 160 0000470D mz_zip_extrafield_find
354 161 000049B6 mz_zip_extrafield_read
355 162 000049FC mz_zip_extrafield_write
356 163 00004201 mz_zip_get_cd_mem_stream
357 164 0000405E mz_zip_get_comment
358 165 0000429D mz_zip_get_disk_number_with_cd
359 166 00004459 mz_zip_get_entry
360 167 00004252 mz_zip_get_number_entry
361 168 0000418D mz_zip_get_stream
362 169 00004113 mz_zip_get_version_madeby
363 16A 00005575 mz_zip_goto_entry
364 16B 000055CD mz_zip_goto_first_entry
365 16C 000055FC mz_zip_goto_next_entry
366 16D 00007F83 mz_zip_locate_entry
367 16E 00005678 mz_zip_locate_first_entry
368 16F 00005647 mz_zip_locate_next_entry
369 170 00007E8A mz_zip_ntfs_to_unix_time
370 171 00006A5F mz_zip_open
371 172 00007EE8 mz_zip_path_compare
372 173 00008069 mz_zip_reader_close
373 174 000092B6 mz_zip_reader_create
374 175 000092EE mz_zip_reader_delete
375 176 00008181 mz_zip_reader_entry_close
376 177 00008454 mz_zip_reader_entry_get_first_hash
377 178 00008340 mz_zip_reader_entry_get_hash
378 179 00008528 mz_zip_reader_entry_get_info
379 17A 000082F1 mz_zip_reader_entry_has_sign
380 17B 00008AA1 mz_zip_reader_entry_is_dir
381 17C 000080ED mz_zip_reader_entry_open
382 17D 0000802E mz_zip_reader_entry_read
383 17E 00008B74 mz_zip_reader_entry_save
384 17F 00008F49 mz_zip_reader_entry_save_buffer
385 180 0000900B mz_zip_reader_entry_save_buffer_length
386 181 00008CD8 mz_zip_reader_entry_save_file
387 182 00008AC8 mz_zip_reader_entry_save_process
388 183 000091E9 mz_zip_reader_get_comment
389 184 000091B0 mz_zip_reader_get_raw
390 185 000091CB mz_zip_reader_get_zip_cd
391 186 00009296 mz_zip_reader_get_zip_handle
392 187 00008192 mz_zip_reader_goto_first_entry
393 188 0000820D mz_zip_reader_goto_next_entry
394 189 00008050 mz_zip_reader_is_open
395 18A 00008288 mz_zip_reader_locate_entry
396 18B 00008760 mz_zip_reader_open
397 18C 000089CD mz_zip_reader_open_buffer
398 18D 000087C5 mz_zip_reader_open_file
399 18E 00008856 mz_zip_reader_open_file_in_memory
400 18F 0000904A mz_zip_reader_save_all
401 190 00009216 mz_zip_reader_set_encoding
402 191 00009282 mz_zip_reader_set_entry_cb
403 192 00009238 mz_zip_reader_set_overwrite_cb
404 193 00009194 mz_zip_reader_set_password
405 194 0000924C mz_zip_reader_set_password_cb
406 195 00009180 mz_zip_reader_set_pattern
407 196 00009260 mz_zip_reader_set_progress_cb
408 197 00009274 mz_zip_reader_set_progress_interval
409 198 000091A2 mz_zip_reader_set_raw
410 199 00009227 mz_zip_reader_set_sign_required
411 19A 00008566 mz_zip_reader_unzip_cd
412 19B 000041B7 mz_zip_set_cd_stream
413 19C 0000408B mz_zip_set_comment
414 19D 00004171 mz_zip_set_data_descriptor
415 19E 00004281 mz_zip_set_disk_number_with_cd
416 19F 0000422B mz_zip_set_number_entry
417 1A0 00004155 mz_zip_set_recover
418 1A1 00004138 mz_zip_set_version_madeby
419 1A2 00005784 mz_zip_time_t_to_dos_date
420 1A3 000056C1 mz_zip_time_t_to_tm
421 1A4 0000570A mz_zip_tm_to_dosdate
422 1A5 00007EC6 mz_zip_unix_to_ntfs_time
423 1A6 00009B44 mz_zip_writer_add
424 1A7 00009D00 mz_zip_writer_add_buffer
425 1A8 00009DA1 mz_zip_writer_add_file
426 1A9 00009C7E mz_zip_writer_add_info
427 1AA 0000A007 mz_zip_writer_add_path
428 1AB 00009AC4 mz_zip_writer_add_process
429 1AC 000096A1 mz_zip_writer_close
430 1AD 0000A29C mz_zip_writer_copy_from_reader
431 1AE 0000A665 mz_zip_writer_create
432 1AF 0000A6AA mz_zip_writer_delete
433 1B0 00009400 mz_zip_writer_entry_close
434 1B1 00009339 mz_zip_writer_entry_open
435 1B2 0000803F mz_zip_writer_entry_write
436 1B3 0000A45F mz_zip_writer_get_raw
437 1B4 0000A645 mz_zip_writer_get_zip_handle
438 1B5 00009320 mz_zip_writer_is_open
439 1B6 0000990A mz_zip_writer_open
440 1B7 00009760 mz_zip_writer_open_file
441 1B8 0000994D mz_zip_writer_open_file_in_memory
442 1B9 0000A47D mz_zip_writer_set_aes
443 1BA 0000A4E5 mz_zip_writer_set_certificate
444 1BB 0000A43D mz_zip_writer_set_comment
445 1BC 0000A4A0 mz_zip_writer_set_compress_level
446 1BD 0000A48E mz_zip_writer_set_compress_method
447 1BE 0000A62B mz_zip_writer_set_entry_cb
448 1BF 0000A4B2 mz_zip_writer_set_follow_links
449 1C0 0000A5CC mz_zip_writer_set_overwrite_cb
450 1C1 0000A42C mz_zip_writer_set_password
451 1C2 0000A5E6 mz_zip_writer_set_password_cb
452 1C3 0000A600 mz_zip_writer_set_progress_cb
453 1C4 0000A61A mz_zip_writer_set_progress_interval
454 1C5 0000A44E mz_zip_writer_set_raw
455 1C6 0000A4C3 mz_zip_writer_set_store_links
456 1C7 0000A4D4 mz_zip_writer_set_zip_cd
457 1C8 00009459 mz_zip_writer_zip_cd
458 1C9 0001DB30 zError
459 1CA 00034C00 z_errmsg
460 1CB 0001DB50 zcalloc
461 1CC 0001DB70 zcfree
462 1CD 0001DB20 zlibCompileFlags
463 1CE 0001DB10 zlibVersion
1000 .CRT
1000 .bss
1000 .data
4000 .edata
7000 .eh_frame
1000 .idata
A000 .rdata
1000 .reloc
2B000 .text
1000 .tls
And one more thing: MZ_EXPORT
should be used with all exported functions from all mz_xxx.h
headers, not only from mz_zip.h
Those extra functions are bzip, lzma, and zlib. I can easily see a scenario where somebody might want to use the zlib that was compiled with minizip. Lzma and bzip2 not so much.
What about to make it optional? If EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS
not defined then define MZ_EXPORT
and export only mz_
I am also struggling with getting minizip.DLLfor windows (not exe), no luck meanwhile Tried with CMake and VS2017
Shouldn't _WINDOWS
macro be replaced by _WIN32
@SpaceIm Can you please explain why you think it should be changed?
definition doesn't exist (or it's not standard on Windows compilers), _WIN32
should be used to detect windows.
This simple macro should be sufficient:
#ifndef MZ_EXPORTS
#define MZ_EXPORT
#elif defined(_WIN32)
#define MZ_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define MZ_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
can be omitted at consume time for minizip-ng, there are no global symbols.
Moreover, MZ_EXPORT
should be put in front of all functions declarations in public headers (all headers actually, since they are all installed). Currently it's missing everywhere, except in mz_compat.h
should be added to properties of minizip
I've a PR more or less ready if you want.
Symbol visibility issue was detected while packaging minizip-ng in public repository of conan: For the moment, the workaround is to set CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS ON
. The neater solution is to hide all symbols, and exports symbols of the API (not only with Visual Studio).
It appears _WINDOWS
was added in Visual Studio .NET from what I read.
We would end up exposing almost all of the functions with MZ_EXPORT
so it doesn't make much difference from CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS
is not listed in, it's the first time I see this macro.
We would end up exposing almost all of the functions with
so it doesn't make much difference fromCMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS
symbols of dependencies would be hidden.
It appears _WINDOWS was added in Visual Studio .NET from what I read.
True, but it's not defined for all Windows compilers. _WIN32 is well supported and commonly used. I strongly suggest replacing _WINDOWS by _WIN32.
@uilianries if you want to do a PR for changing that #define I will accept it.
@nmoinvaz It would be great, because it allow us using -DMZ_EXPORTS on Windows. CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS works but is ugly, it exports everything.
What i mean is only changing _WINDOWS to _WIN32. I still think there is a valid use case for exporting the third party libraries.
@jimpark my solution for meson is to use a custom def file:
IIRC I took all the functions found in docs only. Probably not enough.
edit: funny. vcpkg lists minizip-ng as static-only.
one issue I noticed is these functions:
these functions are only selectively added to the dll depending on whether the specific mz_strm_x.c files are compiled in, which makes having a def file difficult.
I recently updated that def file. Can anyone confirm or deny that those are public facing APIs?
+1 on adding MZ_EXPORT to every public function. CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS
dosn't work for me when cross compiling minizip-ng from linux to windows using cmake version 3.28.2
On Linux and macOS, I can link dynamically to minizip and still access these symbols because they are exported by default. On Windows, they are not exported. Only the compatibility layer is exported. I'd like to move to start using the
functions on all three platforms. Can we decorate the mz functions with MZ_EXPORT?