local_kv_test.go:430: stale ownership counts: 15
local_kv_test.go:431: missing indicies: [290 300]
local_kv_test.go:432: mismatched indicies: []
local_kv_test.go:443: missing key index 290 routed to node 2714747531593 but found in node 2817335783655
local_kv_test.go:443: missing key index 300 routed to node 2714747531593 but found in node 2817335783655
Error Trace: /home/jenkins/agent/workspace/specter/chord/local_kv_test.go:449
Error: Not equal:
expected: 600
actual : 598
Test: TestConcurrentJoinKV/test_with_64_nodes_and_600_keys
Messages: expect 600 keys to be found, but only 598 keys found with 2 missing and 0 mismatched
.fixK() and .closestPreceedingNode() may be broked
Insert went to correct the nodes. At this point, no joins are happening:
However during validation, it went to the wrong node:
may be broked