zloirock / core-js

Standard Library
MIT License
23.99k stars 1.62k forks source link

So, what's next? #1179

Open zloirock opened 1 year ago

zloirock commented 1 year ago


Politics = ban.

dcooley commented 1 year ago

Am I the only one who understood @Jason-Terry 's comment as being in support of CoreJS?

'we' (the community) don't deserve CoreJS. So let's see what happens to the community if it suddenly disappears?

cc @HackerDaGreat57

thunder-red-star commented 1 year ago

As a student developer who unfortunately doesn't have access to a stable-paying job or other source of income, I'm unable to really do much to help out 😢.

I feel the same way you do about the state of FOSS and its relationship to large corporations. It's quite disappointing how companies like Microsoft and Amazon "support" open source yet do very little to contribute to it, instead preferring to blunder the money to mere gimmicks like OpenAI ChatGPT. If, for example, Microsoft truly devoted just 10% of the $1B investment it made in OpenAI to the FOSS ecosystem, it would be thriving for years to come. Yet, none of the largest companies engage in this sort of behavior, and it's disheartening for me, especially because I'm considering a future career path in tech.

While I am not nearly as experienced in the JavaScript ecosystem as you are, I'd love to help out with anything possible, no matter how small or trivial.

SteveHere commented 1 year ago

Genuinely, I wish you the best with whatever you choose to do in the future.

If you really want to continue development on core-js, any issues filed should be prioritized based on how much they pay you on a monthly basis, with one-time contributions divided by 36 months and allotted to their respective tier of support. Nobody should expect work on their issues without giving some form of compensation in return: Your time isn't free for others to take.

mulleady1 commented 1 year ago

Your story is heart wrenching. I'm so sorry for what you've dealt with over all these years. I'm hoping and praying that this post will resonate throughout the web community and bring you tons of opportunities. Thank you for everything you've done for open source. Sending a donation now ❤️

Hc747 commented 1 year ago

Hopefully your situation improves as a result of your post and you receive the remuneration/recognition/support you deserve. Best of luck!

Cmacu commented 1 year ago

After reading this story here are my 2 cents:

  1. Thank you for your work and dedication. I noticed multiple projects I work on are using core-js. I will discuss with each team and decide on appropriate contribution amounts.
  2. It's great that you acknowledge some of the mistakes you made along the way. However you also need to use them as experience and foundation to build on. It's critical that you focus on finding financial stability and safe environment. Your contribution to the community would be appreciated much better once you are out of Russia and you don't need to worry about food on the table and covering the needs for your loved ones. Your absence for 10 months is a great proof that it's possible to take a leave for a while, solve your personal problems and come back whenever you are ready. As someone with a family there is no project on this world that could justify jeopardizing their safety and well being.
  3. Your message is loud and clear and it will resonate well with many simple people like me. However I think your targeting is off. Unless you believe that individual developers are the one who should pay for this project. Which I personally don't think is the case. And if your target audience is the businesses then the problem is that the language you are using is detrimental in the corporate world we live in. In other words corporations want to see big picture, charts, potential, opportunities, future. This might sound harish and I apologize, but from the position as someone who often participates in corporate conversations it's much easier to sell a promising story than an ultimatum.

Again I appreciate everything you've done so far and really hope you and your family recover as quickly as possible.

buffyuwu commented 1 year ago

If you’re in the position to send this guy some cash, please don’t scroll past and forget like everyone else. Make the right choice.

nahiyan commented 1 year ago

As a developer of such an important project, it was the right instinct to continue maintaining it, but at what cost? The world is selfish and there are people like you who'd care for this project like their own child.

aaronhuggins commented 1 year ago

Denis, much love. I'm amplifying this on my socials and I'll be talking to my employer to see what we can do for open source sponsorship. No guarantees. Lastly, I'll be setting up a patreon.

damarsimple commented 1 year ago

I hope you find employment soon and a stable income rather than doing this thankless job and receiving hate.

leejacobson commented 1 year ago

I've seen that core-js donation message so many times and always figured you must be inundated with awesome job offers given how widely used and useful core-js is. I am honestly shocked reading this, not only by how little support you've received for your work on core-js, but also by how awfully you've been treated by the community.

This was one of the most touching and interesting posts I've ever read. I wish there was some way I could help, but I felt compelled to at least leave a comment saying thank you for all your work on core-js – you are appreciated.

Whatever you decide to do next, please make sure your first priority is your family's wellbeing. It's clear how much you care about this project, but you deserve to at least earn a reasonable income for your time. If an opportunity comes your way, you should take it. You don't owe the web or the FOSS community anything.

TwiN commented 1 year ago

Hey @zloirock, I know comments won't help you feed your son and wife, but as an open source maintainer working on projects that require nothing but a fraction of the time you dedicate to this project, I really admire your tenacity and the drive that kept you working on this project for so long despite the sheer amount of undeserved hatred thrown your way.

I sincerely hope things get better for you -- you deserve it.

I can't make any promises, but I'll try to reach out. As others have mentioned, companies may be reluctant to fund you because of how vile media outlets can be with their ways of twisting words, especially in the middle of a war, but still, I'll give it a try.

Good luck :)

AlonsoCN commented 1 year ago

You have no idea how much I admire you after read what you've been through. I sincerely hope your situation improves, and of course I'll support the project.

Wishing you all the best luck!

Jack-Works commented 1 year ago

Thanks for you work, I'll donate $50 to $100 monthly, although I think the donate from individuals only decrease the donate possibility from the big company.

And share our usage of core-js: our company not use core-js too much because we only support ES2022+ browsers.

geekganesh commented 1 year ago

It is a heart breaking post.

Please understand, there is no free lunch and nothing should be given out for free for long term. Consider changing your license, It is free for open source and paid for commercial usage.

Look for an employment for couple of years and do open source work part time. This will bring financial stability.

epthewizard commented 1 year ago

It is a heart breaking post.

Please understand, there is no free lunch and nothing should be given out for free for long term. Consider changing your license, It is free for open source and paid for commercial usage.

Look for an employment for couple of years and do open source work part time. This will bring financial stability.

This is the way. 100% agree that a license change is probably the best way forward.

Rexwang8 commented 1 year ago

I can't support you financially since I'm just a student right now but good work on core-js, I had to deal web development during my internship and stuff like core-js and babel definitely helped make it easier.

turnerguo commented 1 year ago

I think it's nothing need for TOP 1000 websites, just calling TOP 100 websites to give a hand!!

h4l commented 1 year ago

Reading this made me think about Gitcoin Grants. Its purpose is to fund open-source public goods that we rely on. core-js must be relied on by pretty much every Web3 project, so it should be a clear public-good deserving of grant funding. I had a quick search and didn't find core-js listed in any previous funding rounds. https://gitcoin.co/

lzm0x219 commented 1 year ago

I don't have much money to sponsor, but my Russian brother, I will always support you.🫡

mj12albert commented 1 year ago

I'm so sorry you went through all of this ❤️

simonrcodrington commented 1 year ago

It's awful to hear how badly you've been treated when you've created such a great resource for the community mate.

Most people would have called it quits long ago and either walked away or swapped it to a commerical project. I hope whatever comes from this you can either be paid appropriately for your time or you can move onto more enjoyable endeavors.

Don't waste your life supporting all these ungrateful people for nothing.

anubhavadarsh commented 1 year ago

I just read your story. I am sorry that the open source community failed you for so long. Hope this won't be the case now.

roojay520 commented 1 year ago

so sad, donated a little money.

jeffabailey commented 1 year ago

Hello @zloirock

My sympathies first of all. It’s horrible bad luck paired with a lack of human empathy beyond your own that’s making your situation difficult.

I sent you a donation. I have some feedback.

Put the donation links at the top of your post. It took a long time to find how to donate. Make it easy for people to help you. It’s not greedy to ask for a donation when that’s what you clearly need to keep the lights on.

I hope you receive many more donations!

tromcho commented 1 year ago

Hello Denis,

The transactions fees for Bitcoin are high, can we donate in another cryptocurrency?

I don't have much and am struggling by myself, the dust I send will just barely get you a cup of coffee, probably negligible to cash out on an exchange, but I want to support you in some ways.

Monero or Litecoin or anything with lower fees would be great.

Thank you for your relentless work!

mfaheemakhtar commented 1 year ago

@zloirock , You don't owe anything to anyone. Prioritize well-being and future of you and your family. Stars and appreciations don't pay rent and groceries.

chaishi commented 1 year ago


我们的日常只有 微信支付、支付宝支付、银行卡转账等付款方式。


找到了一个赞助地方,我研究下怎么转 https://opencollective.com/core-js/donate?interval=oneTime&amount=20&name=&legalName=&email=

-- 已借同事的 VISA 卡完成赞助

pip25 commented 1 year ago

I truly admire your dedication to this project, and the fact that you have been able to put up with so much negativity for so long. I fear, however, that this dedication may in fact be working against you.

People take what they have for granted, while on the other hand, getting funding for your project is as much about building a brand and connections as it is about the relevance of your work. Because you have been working so tirelessly for so long, core-js is pretty much "assumed" to work, and few people know who's behind it (or know only about the drama around the funding message).

I suggest taking at least a step back from core-js development. Accept one of those job offers. Get to know people, build connections. Get your financial situation in order. Strictly timebox the time you spend on core-js (if any).

I see two possibilities happening then: core-js may still survive, although with slower updates and less support. That's not necessarily a bad thing; as much as I also like striving for perfection, sometimes good enough is just... enough. The other possibility is that core-js may start breaking down due to the accumulated unimplemented features/bugs. Then the companies using it will face a choice: contribute, take over development, or look for alternatives.

Whichever of the above happens, you will only benefit.

eofom commented 1 year ago

@zloirock СБП по телефону на сайте норм для донатов?

zloirock commented 1 year ago

@eofom yep.

sshaw commented 1 year ago

Legendary post —and work! 💪

JensonMiao commented 1 year ago




https://opencollective.com/core-js 这里可以捐,Readme最后有写捐款方式,可以选择PayPal,绑定银行卡就可以了

haoruilee commented 1 year ago


我们的日常只有 微信支付、支付宝支付、银行卡转账等付款方式。PayPal 可以吗,可以的话,我去创建一个账号。


You can use PayPal at patreon


sshaw commented 1 year ago

I would add a separate link for "one time domain" and point to it to open collective's one time donation page: https://opencollective.com/core-js/donate?interval=oneTime

Additionally, maybe setup a crypto wallet using Keplr

krutoo commented 1 year ago

Денис, в истории многих компаний и даже отдельных проектов не было ни дня чтобы их инфраструктура прожила без твоего вклада.

ParaSpl01t commented 1 year ago

Earning millions without contributing to the project that helped generate and save those millions is a common trait among large corporations. It is unfortunate to see that a significant portion of the FOSS community was not able to support the project during its time of need. I am grateful for all the hard work and effort put into the project over the years and hope that the future holds better opportunities for the project and you.

Unfortunately, I am not in a position to help or make a donation, but I will share this article within the Free and Open-Source Software community in the hope that it may reach someone who is able to offer support.

channely commented 1 year ago

可以将加密货币作为赞助载体。正在尝试将metamask里为数不多的ETH转赠出来。 https://opencollective.com/core-js 祝好

Transaction Details: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x2bd4a9f3e369037974f859c12a41b31663a64af38343c3c07bd3f745d1761ee4

ChuYang-FE commented 1 year ago

Heart Broken. I can't even image how much you've sufferred these years. Wish you the best🫡

afredericksansait commented 1 year ago

Hope you get what you need man. Sending positive thoughts

baboon-king commented 1 year ago

Why not open a "GitHub Sponsor", who has no fees. And it's convenient for people who want to sponsor.

MrLightningBolt commented 1 year ago

This is capitalism in action, the final step, extracting from the workers and giving them back nothing at all. One person can't do much about that, but I donated what I could.

thecaffeinedev commented 1 year ago

It was very heartbreaking to read. I donated a little and will keep supporting your work. 🚀

tromcho commented 1 year ago

Why not open a "GitHub Sponsor", who has no fees. And it's convenient for people who want to sponsor.

GitHub sponsors? It's not available for Russia and never was. PayPal? It's banned for Russians.


MrLightningBolt commented 1 year ago

0% of people whining ITT about the war in Ukraine demand to starve every American computer programmer in spite of the US's horrific track record of imperialist wars so please knock it off.

mvasilkov commented 1 year ago

@imwexpex as he's already explained in the post, zloirock cannot leave Russia now, so basically a hostage. Do you really want him to go back to jail for publicly denouncing the war?

jiayechao commented 1 year ago

hey!maybe u need an alipay or a wxpay for chinese front-end!

codcarry commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your contribution for Mordern WEB.

gaoyaoman commented 1 year ago


Rasenkai commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your work, i cannot believe the amount of hate you get and yet you work on OSS for pennies. I have no right to say this but i sincerely hope you quit core-js for the sake of your son. Your family comes before everything else, with your skills I'm definitely sure you would get a high paying job at any big company. Thank you once again for core-js 🙏