zmap / zlint

X.509 Certificate Linter focused on Web PKI standards and requirements.
Apache License 2.0
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Add lints checking for underscores in labels pre-and-post CABF 1.6.2 #657

Open christopher-henderson opened 2 years ago

christopher-henderson commented 2 years ago

Ballot SC12 sunsetted the permissibility of underscores in DNS names on April 1st, 2019 via CABF 1.6.2.

The language is as follows:

Prior to April 1, 2019, certificates containing underscore characters (“_”) in domain labels in dNSName entries MAY be issued as follows:

  • dNSName entries MAY include underscore characters such that replacing all underscore characters with hyphen characters (“-“) would result in a valid domain label, and;
  • Underscore characters MUST NOT be placed in the left most domain label, and;
  • Such certificates MUST NOT be valid for longer than 30 days.