zmilla93 / SlimTrade

A trade UI overlay for Path of Exile
MIT License
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Request: Auto-dismiss outgoing trade messages after X amount of time #51

Open SnailVendor opened 2 years ago

SnailVendor commented 2 years ago

What feature would you like added? Allow outgoing trade message pop-ups to be auto-dismissed after a set amount of time, with the value being editable in the options. This could also apply to incoming trade messages, although I don't see this being as useful.

Why do you want this feature added? This would allow for the pop-ups for outgoing trade messages that go unanswered within the set amount of time to automatically disappear without having to click the close button. This would keep the amount of space taken up by several pop-ups, which tends to be an issue when sending multiple messages to several sellers within a short amount of time, for example when looking to buy currency, low cost items, etc.

zmilla93 commented 2 years ago

I'll consider this, but I'm not entirely sold on it. One usability issue is that if trade messages are auto closing, the correct message might move around when you go to click on it. I could suspend the closing when you hover the notification frame, but I still think jumping frames might not be great.

The current solution to this problem is the quick close feature. If you right click the close button on an outgoing trade message, it will close all messages except for the one you click on. Admittedly it doesn't help as you spam trade requests, but it does let you quickly clear the screen when receiving a party invite.

SnailVendor commented 2 years ago

You raise a good point regarding usability, although your suggesting of suspending closing when hovering over the notification seems like a suitable solution. Of course, my suggestion was meant to only be an option that can be turned on or off by the user, not something that would be imposed on all users.

In the meantime, while you decide whether to move forward with this suggestion, I'll make use of the right click close feature, which I wasn't aware of.