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Figure out how to collect any log from CloudWatch using Amazon Data Firehose #86

Open zmoog opened 1 month ago

zmoog commented 1 month ago


Suppose I own an AWS account, and I want to export log events from CloudWatch logs to an Elastic cluster.


What are the CloudWatch logs?

Requirements & Limitations

We need to keep in mind a few requirements and limitations when using Amazon Data Firehose to ingest.


Install the latest versions of the following integrations on your Elastic cluster:


zmoog commented 1 month ago


Exporting logs from CloudWatch to an Elastic deployment using Firehose requires setting up a subscription filter to send log events to a Firehose stream.


In practice,

In the following steps, we will:

zmoog commented 1 month ago

Identify a log group we want to send to Elasticsearch

If you already have a Lambda function, or any other service or application that logs on a CloudWatch log group, you can skip this section. Take note of the log group from which you want to collect log events and move to the next section.

Otherwise, let's create a lambda function.


In this tutorial, we will write a simple AWS Lambda-based app, collect the application logs, and forward them to Elastic.

Like many other services and platforms in AWS, Lambda functions natively log directly to CloudWatch out of the box. Lambda functions are a great tool for experimenting on AWS.

Create a Lambda function

When AWS completes the creation of the function, visit the Code source section and paste the following Python code as function source code:

import json

print('Loading function')

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    print("Received event: " + json.dumps(event))

Important: Click on Deploy to deploy the updated source code.

Generate some sample logs

With the function ready to go, we can invoke it a few times to generate sample logs.

On the function page,

Visit the function's log group (usually, the AWS console offers a handy link to jump straight to the log group it created for this function's logs).

You should see something similar:

CleanShot 2024-05-28 at 10 00 05@2x

Take note of the log group name for this Lambda function, and move to the next section.

zmoog commented 1 month ago

Create a Firehose stream

We need a Firehose stream to collect the Lambda function logs and send them to a data stream on an Elastic stack.

To create a Firehose stream, you can use the instructions at Monitor Amazon Web Services (AWS) with Amazon Data Firehose up to step 3.

Follow the instructions up to step 3.

However, you must set the Parameters in the Destination settings section.


Use the following parameters:

Name Value
es_datastream_name logs-aws.generic-default
include_cw_extracted_fields ?
zmoog commented 1 month ago

Set up a subscription filter to send Lambda function log events to a Firehose stream

The Firehose stream is ready to send logs to our Elastic Cloud deployment.

Next steps:

Visit the log group with the Lambda function log events

Please open the log group where the Lambda service is sending the events. We must forward these events to an Elastic stack using the Firehose delivery stream.

The CloudWatch log group offers a subscription filter. The subscription filter allows users to pick log events from the log group and forward them to other services, such as an Amazon Kinesis stream, an Amazon Data Firehose stream, or AWS Lambda.

Create a subscription filter for Amazon Data Firehose

Choose destination

Please select the Firehose stream we create in the previous step.

Grant permission

Grant the CloudWatch service to send log events to the stream in Firehose.

This step is made of multiple parts:

  1. Create a new role with a trust policy that allows CloudWatch to assume the role.
  2. Assign a policy to the role that permits " putting records " into a Firehose delivery stream.
Create a new role

Create a new role and use the following JSON as the trust policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "Service": ""
            "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
            "Condition": {
                "StringLike": {
                    "aws:SourceArn": "arn:aws:logs:eu-north-1:<YOUR ACCOUNT ID>:*"
Assign a policy to the role

Create and assign a new IAM policy to the role using the following JSON:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "firehose:PutRecord",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:firehose:eu-north-1:<YOUR ACCOUNT ID>:deliverystream/mbranca-dev-cloudtrail-logs"

When the new role is ready, you can select it in the subscription filter.

Configure log format and filters

Select the "Other" in the Log format option.

More on log format and filters


Generate additional logs

Visit the AWS Lambda page again, select the function we created, and execute it a few more times to generate log events.

Verify if there are destination errors

Check if there are destination error logs.

On the AWS console, visit your Firehose stream and check for entries in the "Destination error logs":

If everything is running smoothly, this list will be empty. If there's an error, you can check the details. Here is a delivery stream that fails to send records to the Elastic stack due to bad authentication settings:

CleanShot 2024-04-19 at 16 54 43

The Firehose delivery stream reports:

  1. The number of failed deliveries.
  2. The failure detail.
zmoog commented 1 month ago


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