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Word/DOCX-Eport: Applying python-docx #287

Open drfho opened 1 week ago

drfho commented 1 week ago

Traditionally ZMS uses the XML-represenation of it's content for (XSL-based) transforming it into 3rd-party formats like Word-XML. Instead using XSL (and its efforts with debugging) a direct, pythonic objekt transformation by the python-docx-library may be more practical especially with complex content-models . python-docx is a Python library for creating and updating Microsoft Word (.docx) files:

drfho commented 1 week ago

The evaluation notebook of in contains some code- snippets to create a word file interacting directly with ZODB.


The notebook code is quite minimalistic to get objects attribute values by the rest_api public functions. @zmsdev: But template based content aggregration will result in "AttributeError: REQUEST" due to ZMSObject.isVisible(self, REQUEST) and its call of self.isActive(REQUEST), Line 502:

The function ObjAttrs.isActive() calls self.getType() and this will break, Line 551;