zmwangx / rust-ffmpeg-sys

FFmpeg bindings for Rust.
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Building fails on MSYS2 #66

Open couleurm opened 7 months ago

couleurm commented 7 months ago

I've tried compiling this library on Windows, then WSL, then back to Windows with MSYS2,

As I troubleshooted this error came around, it looks very odd for some clang library to not find that header, even after I added the directory where mm_malloc.h is to PATH

--- stderr
D:/Scoop/apps/msys2/2023-10-26/mingw64/include/malloc.h:84:10: fatal error: 'mm_malloc.h' file not found
D:/Scoop/apps/msys2/2023-10-26/mingw64/include/malloc.h:84:10: fatal error: 'mm_malloc.h' file not found, err: true
thread 'main' panicked at C:\Users\Dek\.cargo\registry\src\\ffmpeg-sys-next-4.4.0\
Unable to generate bindings: ()
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

I'd appreciate if you could suggest other installation steps I should take or if there are any libraries that could replace this library for this usecase, thank you