znuny / Znuny

Znuny/Znuny LTS is a fork of the ((OTRS)) Community Edition, one of the most flexible web-based ticketing systems used for Customer Service, Help Desk, IT Service Management.
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URL encounter OTRSAgentInterface problem #35

Closed heikafeiylt closed 3 years ago

heikafeiylt commented 3 years ago

Environment: centos 7 Apache 2.4.6 Znuny 6.033

一、Problem: 1、 The OTRSAgentInterface parameter appears when link to URI address, This makes it impossible for me to create a same page (a CTI function) to create a ticket, because the OTRSAgentInterface characters are random, and I have to login again every time to find the similarities. 2、 Click System Management-System Configuration, when you change any parameter and deploy, the login address will pop up. I think this maybe also related to the appearance of OTRSAgentInterface.

二、Operation process

As we know, the login address of zunny: http://ip/otrs/index.pl is a bit too long, and I hope to visit http://IP/index.pl directly, so I found the following post。 https://forums.otterhub.org/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=9329 The OTRSAgentInterface appear again when we change it.

1、I have ever tried to change the http://ip/otrs/index.pl to be http://ip/itsm/index.pl , OTRSAgentInterface will not appear in this case, suppose it maybe the problem of OTRS character.

Please refer the source code as below:

ScriptAlias /itsm/ "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/"

<Directory "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/">
    AllowOverride None
    Options +ExecCGI -Includes
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all
    # Below is what we copied from the <Location> section
    ErrorDocument 403 itsm/index.pl
    #  DirectoryIndex itsm/index.pl
    AddHandler  perl-script index.pl .cgi     <----- change ScriptHandler setting here.
    PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
    PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
    PerlOptions +SetupEnv
eyazi commented 3 years ago

I'd agree that the removal of "otrs/" in the URL is overdue (UX improvement), but your issue sounds like a misconfigured web server/Znuny. Get sure to keep the setting ScriptAlias empty if you remove the "otrs/".

hanneshal commented 3 years ago

Your first problem is related to your FQDN / SSL Config. 1) There is a mismatch in the FQDN and the HTTP Type. So the system is not able to set a (secure) cookie and a fallback is called where the old URL Session is used. Fix the FQDN and SSL and the URL Session will disappear.

2) Is related to 1

3) Please move this question to the community forum. This is only a Apache related question. You have to change several configs in OTRS if you want to deliver it directly Sysconfig:

A side note: We have issue / bug templates for a reason. If you have to delete the template because it does not fit your needs, it is questionable if this is the correct place to ask 😏