znuny / Znuny

Znuny/Znuny LTS is a fork of the ((OTRS)) Community Edition, one of the most flexible web-based ticketing systems used for Customer Service, Help Desk, IT Service Management.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Duplicate agent notification on a created ticket #477

Open schnudd31do3 opened 11 months ago

schnudd31do3 commented 11 months ago


Expected behaviour

Sending only one notification on created ticket

Actual behaviour

Duplicate agent notification on a created ticket from the queue in where the ticket was created

How to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Set a specific email sender address which must be not informed by auto responses Sys config: SendNoAutoResponseRegExp

A generic agent converts the tickets in a process ticket. The agent notification in it is enabled.

Additional information

When disabling the agent notification in this generic agent, NO agent notification is sent on created tickets.

But: Agents and customers are informed correctly by the ticket created information, when the ticket sender address is NOT in the list frm SendNoAutoResponseRegExp




rkaldung commented 11 months ago

@schnudd31do3 Please also share the (redacted) ticket history

schnudd31do3 commented 11 months ago


schnudd31do3 commented 11 months ago


rkaldung commented 11 months ago

This is how agent notifications look like. They are logged in the ticket history. If not you did something wrong and probably have multiple events matching.

rkaldung commented 11 months ago

@schnudd31do3 How looks the Events and Recipients part od the notification?

tgurr commented 10 months ago

We experienced a similiar problem after upgrading from 6.0.48 LTS to 6.5.2 LTS documented at: https://github.com/znuny/Znuny/issues/422 which was worked around by changing the event from NotificationNewTicket to TicketCreate in the respective ticket notifications. Just mentioning this here as the root problem might still exist as it was only worked around configuration wise and it might be related if not the same - if not, sorry for the noise.

rkaldung commented 10 months ago

@schnudd31do3 Are the ticket notification part of the ticket history? Please also share your ticket notification.

schnudd31do3 commented 10 months ago

@rkaldung: Sorry for delayed answer. I was not in the office. The od notifications look exactly equal: image

The ticket notification is not part of the ticket history because all responding for this special ticket-creator (sender email address) is disabled.

schnudd31do3 commented 10 months ago

@tgurr : Thanks for your hint. For the first step it worked. I keep on observing and I will respond later for a final report.

schnudd31do3 commented 10 months ago

My settngs for NotificationEvent is: image

schnudd31do3 commented 9 months ago

@tgurr : Your solution solved my problem. I guess it is a bug, because I observed it only in combination with no-answering to the customer. I don't have this when the system answeres to the customer normaly, e. g. when a ticket was created.

rkaldung commented 8 months ago

The ticket notification is not part of the ticket history because all responding for this special ticket-creator (sender email address) is disabled.

@schnudd31do3 If there is an agent notification sent it's visible in the ticket history, except you have modified the code. "Has been created in queue..." looks pretty familiar like a new ticket created notification. If this e-mail is sent twice then there must be two entries in the ticket history. Each one is mentioned with the ticket notification's name. See red marked area in the example:


My questions: 1.) Do you have these entries? 2.) Is the recipient listed twice and what are the notifications name's?

schnudd31do3 commented 8 months ago

@rkaldung 1: Yes 2: Yes, do you mean the subject? -> Yes, the subject is identical.

As I wrote, the difference makes switching from NotificationNewTicket to TicketCreate. With no other configuration change, except the TicketCreate, the notifications was not sent twice. And, I did not modify any code.