znuny / Znuny4OTRS-CISearch

This package adds an additional toolbar search box for config items.
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search-bar is not loaded / displayed in OTRS 4.0.11 #1

Closed aebgit closed 8 years ago

aebgit commented 8 years ago


I've installed the Znuny4OTRS-CISearch 1.0.4 via Znuny4OTRS-Repo in my OTRS 4.0.11 installation (via WebFrontend) but the search-bar does not show up.

My ITSMConfigurationManagement package has Version 4.0.11 (so its consistent withthe rest of my OTRS).

I have tried the following steps so far:

Do you have any ideas?

Thanks in advance! Andreas

thorsteneckel commented 8 years ago

Hi Andreas!

Thanks for your feedback. Have you checked the SysConfig "Znuny4OTRSCISearch::SearchParams###DefaultClassName" ( https://github.com/znuny/Znuny4OTRS-CISearch/blob/master/Kernel/Config/Files/Znuny4OTRSCISearch.xml#L37 )?

You have to define which agent roles get search for which CI classes. There is a deficit in the documentation of this features. We will take care of it.

@dennybresch Could you please improve the documentationS (https://github.com/znuny/Znuny4OTRS-CISearch/blob/master/doc/de/feature.md#znuny4otrscisearchsearchparamsdefaultclassname) of this feature? It's not intuitive. I would propose another SysConfig for a default Class (Computer) which will be used if no Class could be found in the mapping (https://github.com/znuny/Znuny4OTRS-CISearch/blob/master/Kernel/Modules/Znuny4OTRSCISearch.pm#L46).

aebgit commented 8 years ago

Hi Thorsten,

thanks for the hint - unfortunately the searchbar still doesn't show up. Here is what I've tried:

By the way, I can't give only ONE role access to multiple CMDB-classes (via Webinterface). When I enter the same role into each line and click on 'Update', the list is shrinked to only one line (= one CI-class).

We have a flat hierarchy in our it-department, so we dont really need to filter the search-possibilities. Is there an easy way to disable that function?

Best regards Andreas

thorsteneckel commented 8 years ago

Hi Andreas! @dennybresch will take care of that. This functionality should be easy to use and suitable for everybody. We will find a solution :) It may take some time cause we have some support customers we have to take care about.

aebgit commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your help!

rkaldung commented 8 years ago

Hi Andreas,

You don't give access to the CMDB classes. This is done via the General catalog where you're able to assign groups to your CMDB classes.

This addon adds just a short way to search for CIs where you have first choose the class and then enter your search terms. 2016-02-09 at 2 15 pm

The role/group <-> class configuration does only a presetting of a class to search in.

aebgit commented 8 years ago

OK, now I understand what the roles are used for here. If you need further information about my installation to solve my issue (the search-field doesn't sho up at all) just tell me.

aebgit commented 8 years ago

Today I noticed, that in "Admin -> System Log" lots of the following messages are logged:

Mon Feb 29 14:22:32 2016 error OTRS-CGI-25 Type of arg 1 to keys must be hash (not hash element) at /opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/../../Kernel/Modules/Znuny4OTRSCISearch.pm line 89, near "} ) "

dennykorsukewitz commented 8 years ago

Hi @aebgit, we fixed some small issues in version 1.0.5. We added DefaultClassName to user preferences and a added FallbackDefaultClassName to SysConfig.

If you don't use roles, please make sure that your SysConfig is like this: ( Znuny4OTRSCISearch::SearchParams###DefaultClassName must be disabled)


Best regards Denny

aebgit commented 8 years ago

@dennybresch Thank you - the issue is solved!!