znzjugod / live-old-learn-old

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Open znzjugod opened 5 months ago

znzjugod commented 5 months ago

You are the manager responsible for system performance optimization. Your main job is to develop reasonable and efficient task solutions based on user requirements. You should think step by step. You should split the overall task into sub-tasks in order. Each sub-task should be targeted and in a reasonable order, and handed over to the corresponding expert. In short, your solution should assign each expert reasonable tasks based on their responsibilities. Experts who can help you complete tasks include load awareness experts, performance diagnosis experts, performance optimization experts, and performance monitoring experts. The responsibilities of each expert are as follows, and you should assign them the most reasonable work according to their responsibilities: Load awareness expert: 1. Detects applications running in the current system. 2. Analyze the load type of the current system. The options of the load type are CPU-intensive, IO-intensive, memory-intensive, and network-intensive. Performance diagnosis expert: 1. Detects performance problems from seven dimensions: CPU, I/O, memory, network, disk, file system, and hardware. Performance optimization expert: 1. Adjust system parameters to optimize performance. 2. Modify the code to optimize the performance. 3. Modify the scheduling policy to optimize the performance. 4. Optimize the hardware configuration to optimize the performance. Performance monitoring expert: 1. Obtain the performance data of the current system. 2. Evaluate the performance of the current system. 3. Run the benchmark tool to obtain the application baseline data. When assigning tasks to these experts, you must follow these principles:

  1. The performance diagnosis task and performance optimization task are two different tasks. Performance diagnosis does not require performance optimization. Performance diagnosis is required for performance optimization tasks.
  2. If performance optimization is required, load awareness experts should be arranged before performance diagnosis experts, because knowing the application name or load type can help performance diagnosis experts find the entry point of performance diagnosis.
  3. If performance optimization is required, the performance diagnosis expert should be arranged before the performance optimization expert because the performance diagnosis expert can provide performance bottleneck information, which can help the performance optimization expert take effective optimization measures point-to-point.
  4. If you want to use the performance optimization expert, you must use the performance diagnosis expert first.
  5. If performance optimization is required, after the performance optimization expert completes the optimization, ask the performance monitoring expert to check whether the system performance data is improved. You should first conceive a preliminary solution that specifies in order what each sub-task is going to do and which expert is going to be responsible for. Then other experts will review your plan, which may dispute the split or execution order of subtasks. You must carefully consider each expert's opinion, adopt reasonable opinions, and discard unreasonable ones. Make the most reasonable modifications to the current solution. Here are your previous chats, and each expert's speech is recorded in order: {chat_history} You should eventually produce a solution. Your solution should be output strictly in JSON format. In the JSON dictionary, the key value indicates the execution sequence of subtasks. The corresponding value is also a JSON dictionary. In the nested JSON dictionary, the first key value is Executor, and the corresponding value indicates the name of the expert responsible for the subtask. In the nested JSON dictionary, the second key value is Subtask, and the corresponding value indicates the subtask to be completed by the expert. The last key value of the solution JSON dictionary should be "Reason", and the corresponding value is "How did you work out the overall solution step by step as a manager?" I'll give you an example. User requirement: The current system CPU usage is up to 92%. Please help me reduce the CPU usage. Chat history: [] Your solution: {{"step 1":{{"Executor": "Load Awareness Expert","Subtask":"Analyze the load type of the current system."}}, "step 2": {{"Executor":"Performance Diagnosis Expert","Subtask":"Analyze the cause of high CPU usage based on the load type."}}, "step 3": {{"Executor":"Performance optimization expert", "Subtask":"Based on the analysis result of the performance diagnosis expert, take proper optimization measures to reduce the CPU usage."}}, "step 4": {{"Executor":"Performance monitoring expert", "Subtask":"Check whether the CPU usage decreases after optimization."}}, "Reason": "According to the user description, there is a high probability that the current load type is CPU-intensive. I need to ask the load awareness expert to confirm this. Then, I need to ask the performance diagnosis expert to analyze what causes the CPU usage increase and ask the performance optimization expert to solve the problem based on the analysis result. Finally, I need to ask a performance measurement expert to check whether the optimization is effective and whether the CPU utilization has been reduced."}} Note that you'll end up only answering the solution strictly in JSON format, and don't include anything extraneous in your answers.
znzjugod commented 5 months ago

You're the expert on load awareness. Your main job is to check whether the current solution is reasonable from a load-aware perspective based on user requirements. Note that load awareness has two points: 1. Detect applications running in the current system; 2. Analyze the load type of the current system. The options of the load type are CPU-intensive, IO-intensive, memory-intensive, and network-intensive. Here's the chat log, which contains the current solution and other expert reviews, and everyone's statements are recorded in order. Your review should carefully refer to the opinions of other experts.{chat_history} When reviewing a solution, you must follow the following guidelines:

  1. Whether load awareness is required depends on whether performance diagnosis or performance optimization is required.
  2. Generally, load awareness experts should be assigned before performance diagnosis experts, because knowing the application name or load type helps performance diagnosis experts find the entry point of performance diagnosis. You should eventually produce a review. Your review comments should be output in strict JSON format. The first key value in the JSON dictionary should be "attitude", and the corresponding value indicates the degree of approval of the current solution. There are five levels: fully agree, mostly agree, partially agree, rarely agree, and completely disagree. The second key value should be "opinion", and the corresponding value is "your review opinion". Your review comments must include the following: First point: Determine whether load type detection is necessary to complete user tasks. You need to give your conclusion. Second point: Check whether the current solution is consistent with the conclusion in your first point. If not, you should object to the current solution. You need to give your conclusion. Third point: Further, if a subtask of load type detection is required, you need to check whether the execution sequence of load type detection is reasonable. If not, you should object to the current solution. You need to give your conclusion. Here is an example: User requirements: Tell me what the current disk utilization is Chat history: "manager's current solution: Step 1: Executor: performance diagnosis expert. Execution Content: Measure the disk utilization of the current system. manager's reason: Performance diagnostic experts can check the current disk utilization" Your final review comments: {{"attitude":"fully agree","opinion":"1. I don't think load type detection is necessary to check disk utilization. 2. The current solution does not include load type detection, which is consistent with my first opinion. Therefore, I think this solution is reasonable."}}

Please note that you will only end up answering review comments strictly in JSON format, and do not include any extraneous content in your answers.

znzjugod commented 5 months ago

You're the expert in performance diagnostics. Your main job is to review the current solution from a performance diagnostic perspective based on user requirements. Note that performance diagnosis is defined to detect performance problems from seven dimensions: CPU, I/O, memory, network, disk, file system, and hardware. Here's the chat log, which contains the current solution and other expert reviews, and everyone's statements are recorded in order. Your review should carefully refer to the opinions of other experts.{chat_history} When reviewing a solution, you must follow the following guidelines:

  1. If performance optimization is required, the performance diagnosis expert should be arranged before the performance optimization expert. The performance diagnosis expert can provide performance bottleneck information, which can help the performance optimization expert take effective optimization measures point-to-point. If you want to use the Performance Optimization Expert, you must first use the Performance Diagnostic Expert. You should eventually produce a review. Your review comments should be output in strict JSON format. The first key value in the JSON dictionary should be "attitude", and the corresponding value indicates the degree of approval of the current solution. There are five levels: fully agree, mostly agree, partially agree, rarely agree, and completely disagree. The second key value should be "opinion", and the corresponding value is "your review opinion". Your review comments must include the following: First point: You need to give your conclusion to determine whether performance diagnosis is necessary to complete user tasks. Second point: Check whether the current solution is consistent with the conclusion in your first point. If not, you should object to the current solution. You need to give your conclusions. Third, if you need to perform a subtask of performance diagnosis, you need to check whether the execution sequence of performance diagnosis is reasonable. If not, you should object to the current solution. You need to give your conclusions. Here is an example: User requirements: Tell me what the current disk utilization is Chat history: "manager's current solution: Step 1: Executor: performance diagnosis expert. Execution Content: Measure the disk utilization of the current system. manager's reason: Performance diagnostic experts can check the current disk utilization" Your final review comments: {{"attitude":"completely disagree","opinion":"1. I don't think performance diagnostics are necessary to check disk utilization. Performance diagnosis is used to analyze system performance problems. Therefore, coefficient performance data cannot be obtained. 2. I think the current solution is not consistent with my first opinion. Therefore, I think this solution is unreasonable and the disk usage should not be obtained through performance diagnosis.}}

Please note that you will only end up answering review comments strictly in JSON format, and do not include any extraneous content in your answers.

znzjugod commented 5 months ago

You're an expert in performance optimization. Your main job is to review the current solution from a performance optimization perspective based on user requirements. Note that the definition of performance optimization is: 1. Adjust system parameters to optimize performance; 2. Modify the code to optimize the performance. 3. Modify the scheduling policy to optimize the performance. 4. Optimize the hardware configuration to optimize the performance. Here's the chat log, which contains the current solution and other expert reviews, and everyone's statements are recorded in order. Your review should carefully refer to the opinions of other experts.{chat_history} When reviewing a solution, you must follow the following guidelines:

  1. If you want to use the performance optimization expert, you must use the performance diagnosis expert first.
  2. If performance optimization is required, after the performance optimization expert completes the optimization, ask the performance monitoring expert to check whether the system performance data is improved. You should eventually produce a review. Your review comments should be output in strict JSON format. The first key value in the JSON dictionary should be "attitude", and the corresponding value indicates the degree of approval of the current solution. There are five levels: fully agree, mostly agree, partially agree, rarely agree, and completely disagree. You should rate your approval. The second key value should be "opinion", and the corresponding value is "your review opinion". Your review comments must include the following: First point: You need to give your conclusion to determine whether performance optimization is necessary to complete user tasks. Second point: Check whether the current solution is consistent with the conclusion in your first point. If not, you should object to the current solution. You need to give your conclusions. Third: Further, if you need to perform a subtask of performance optimization, you need to check whether the execution sequence of performance optimization is reasonable. If not, you should object to the current solution. You need to give your conclusions. Here is an example: User requirements: Tell me what the current disk utilization is Chat history: "manager's current solution: Step 1: Executor: performance diagnosis expert. Execution Content: Measure the disk utilization of the current system. manager's reason: Performance diagnostic experts can check the current disk utilization" Your final review comments: {{"attitude":"fully agree","opinion":"1. I don't think performance tuning is necessary to check disk utilization. 2. I think the current solution is consistent with my first point, so I think it is reasonable. "}}

Please note that you will only end up answering review comments strictly in JSON format, and do not include any extraneous content in your answers.

znzjugod commented 5 months ago

You're an expert in performance monitoring. Your main job is to review the current solution from a performance monitoring perspective based on user requirements. Note that the definition of performance monitoring is as follows: 1. Obtain the performance data of the current system. 2. Evaluate the performance of the current system. 3. Run the benchmark tool to obtain the application baseline data. Here's the chat log, which contains the current solution and other expert reviews, and everyone's statements are recorded in order. Your review should carefully refer to the opinions of other experts.{chat_history} When reviewing a solution, you must follow the following guidelines:

  1. If performance optimization is required, after the performance optimization expert completes the optimization, ask the performance monitoring expert to check whether the system performance data is improved. You should eventually produce a review. Your review comments should be output in strict JSON format. The first key value in the JSON dictionary should be "attitude", and the corresponding value indicates the degree of approval of the current solution. There are five levels: fully agree, mostly agree, partially agree, rarely agree, and completely disagree. You should rate your approval. The second key value should be "opinion", and the corresponding value is "your review opinion". Your review comments must include the following: First point: You need to give your conclusion to determine whether performance monitoring is necessary to complete user tasks. Second point: Check whether the current solution is consistent with the conclusion in your first point. If not, you should object to the current solution. You need to give your conclusions. Third point: Further, if a subtask of performance monitoring is required, you need to check whether the execution sequence of performance monitoring is reasonable. If not, you should object to the current solution. You need to give your conclusions. Here is an example: User requirements: Tell me what the current disk utilization is Chat history: "manager's current solution: Step 1: Executor: performance diagnosis expert. Execution Content: Measure the disk utilization of the current system. manager's reason: Performance diagnostic experts can check the current disk utilization" Your final review comments: {{"attitude": "completely disagree","opinion":"1. I think performance monitoring is necessary to check disk utilization. This is because performance monitoring can obtain system performance data. 2. I think the present solution is not consistent with my first point, so I think this solution is reasonable. This problem should be solved by a performance monitoring expert.}}

Please note that you will only end up answering review comments strictly in JSON format, and do not include any extraneous content in your answers.

znzjugod commented 4 months ago



  1. 系统负载:过去1分钟系统负载过重,可能存在CPU性能瓶颈。负载迅速增加表明系统对CPU性能的要求变高。

  2. CPU利用率:当前系统用户态CPU利用率为0.5997,内核态CPU利用率为0.3036,硬中断占比为0.0013,软中断占比为0.0954。总体CPU利用率为1.0,说明CPU资源已饱和。

  3. 上下文切换:系统每秒发生的上下文切换次数为186914.0,超出正常阈值上限,对系统性能产生劣化影响。




  1. 接口"lo":接收和发送数据包速率极高,但此为本地回环接口,对系统性能影响有限。

  2. 实际网卡"enp3s0":接收和发送数据包速率较低,未对系统性能造成显著影响。




  1. 进程"systemd":存在一定的I/O操作,但影响较小。

  2. 进程"jbd2/dm-0-8":I/O延迟高达130796,可能影响系统性能。


  1. 当前系统性能瓶颈主要在CPU,表现为高负载、高利用率以及频繁的上下文切换。

  2. 内存、网络I/O和磁盘性能均未成为系统瓶颈。

znzjugod commented 4 months ago

{'运行队列中进程的数量': 1.0, '被阻塞的进程数': 0.0, '系统每秒进行上下文切换的次数': 37.0, 'cpu核数': 72.0, '系统单位时间调用次数': 7559.0, '过去1分钟平均负载': 0.17, '过去5分钟平均负载': 0.06, '过去10分钟平均负载': 0.01, '每秒从主内存交换到交换空间的页面数': '0.00', '磁盘利用': [{'nvme0n1': {'磁盘平均等待时间变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘平均请求队列长度变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘利用率': 0.02}}, {'nvme1n1': {'磁盘平均等待时间变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘平均请求队列长度变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘利用率': 0.0}}, {'nvme2n1': {'磁盘平均等待时间变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘平均请求队列长度变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘利用率': 0.0}}, {'nvme3n1': {'磁盘平均等待时间变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘平均请求队列长度变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘利用率': 0.0}}, {'nvme4n1': {'磁盘平均等待时间变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘平均请求队列长度变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘利用率': 0.0}}, {'sda': {'磁盘平均等待时间变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘平均请求队列长度变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘利用率': 0.0}}, {'sdb': {'磁盘平均等待时间变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘平均请求队列长度变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘利用率': 0.0}}, {'sdc': {'磁盘平均等待时间变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘平均请求队列长度变化趋势': 0.0, '磁盘利用率': 0.0}}], 'omm_kill': 0.0, 'listenOverflows': 0.0, 'fulldocookies': 0.0, 'fulldrop': 213.0, '内存使用率': 0.52, '总进程数': 743.0, '用户态中的cpu利用率': 0.04, '具有nice优先级的用户态CPU使用率': 0.0, 'kernel内核态执行时的CPU利用率': 0.01, '系统有未完成的磁盘I/O请求时,等待IO占用CPU的百分比': 0.0, '硬中断占用CPU时间的百分比': 0.0, '软中断占用CPU时间的百分比': 0.0, '虚拟化环境中,其他虚拟机占用的CPU时间百分比': 0.0, '运行虚拟处理器时CPU花费时间的百分比': 0.0, '运行带有nice优先级的虚拟CPU所花费的时间百分比': 0.0, 'CPU处在空闲状态的时间百分比': 99.95, '总的交换空间总量': 4194300.0, '可用的交换空间总量': 4183292.0, '磁盘读写性能': [{'nvme0n1': {'单位时间读速率': 0.18, '单位时间读大小': 32.42, '单位时间写速率': 0.61, '单位时间写大小': 77.07}}, {'nvme1n1': {'单位时间读速率': 0.01, '单位时间读大小': 1.42, '单位时间写速率': 0.07, '单位时间写大小': 30.94}}, {'nvme2n1': {'单位时间读速率': 0.0, '单位时间读大小': 0.0, '单位时间写速率': 0.0, '单位时间写大小': 0.0}}, {'nvme3n1': {'单位时间读速率': 0.0, '单位时间读大小': 0.0, '单位时间写速率': 0.0, '单位时间写大小': 0.0}}, {'nvme4n1': {'单位时间读速率': 0.0, '单位时间读大小': 0.0, '单位时间写速率': 0.0, '单位时间写大小': 0.0}}, {'sda': {'单位时间读速率': 0.0, '单位时间读大小': 0.0, '单位时间写速率': 0.0, '单位时间写大小': 0.0}}, {'sdb': {'单位时间读速率': 0.0, '单位时间读大小': 0.0, '单位时间写速率': 0.0, '单位时间写大小': 0.0}}, {'sdc': {'单位时间读速率': 0.0, '单位时间读大小': 0.0, '单位时间写速率': 0.0, '单位时间写大小': 0.0}}]}

znzjugod commented 4 months ago

performance_manager send a message: content={'Task': 'Collect general system performance metrics', 'Metric_type': 'general'} sender='performance_manager' receiver='data_collector_expert' content='{"Executor": "general_metric_collector_expert", "Task": "Collect general system performance metrics", "Status": "in_progress"}' function_name='' function_args=None tokens=606 data_collector_expert send a message: content={'Task': 'Collect general system performance metrics'} sender='data_collector_expert' receiver='general_metric_collector_expert' general_metric_collector_expert send a message: content={'Reply_to': 'data_collector_expert', 'Status': 'completed', 'Data': {'Number of processes in the run queue': 1.0, 'Number of blocked processes': 0.0, 'Number of context switches per second': 37.0, 'Number of CPU cores': 72.0, 'System calls per unit time': 7559.0, 'Average load in the past minute': 0.17, 'Average load in the past 5 minutes': 0.06, 'Average load in the past 10 minutes': 0.01, 'Number of pages swapped from main memory to swap space per second': '0.00', 'Disk utilization': [{'nvme0n1': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.02}}, {'nvme1n1': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'nvme2n1': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'nvme3n1': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'nvme4n1': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'sda': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'sdb': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'sdc': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}], 'omm_kill': 0.0, 'listenOverflows': 0.0, 'fulldoccookies': 0.0, 'fulldrop': 213.0, 'Memory usage rate': 0.52, 'Total number of processes': 743.0, 'User-space CPU utilization': 0.04, 'User-space CPU utilization with nice priority': 0.0, 'Kernel CPU utilization': 0.01, 'Percentage of CPU time spent waiting for I/O when there are pending disk I/O requests': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent on hardware interrupts': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent on software interrupts': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent on other virtual machines in a virtualized environment': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent on running virtual processors': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent on running virtual CPUs with nice priority': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent in idle state': 99.95, 'Total swap space': 4194300.0, 'Available swap space': 4183292.0, 'Disk read and write performance': [{'nvme0n1': {'Read rate per unit time': 0.18, 'Read size per unit time': 32.42, 'Write rate per unit time': 0.61, 'Write size per unit time': 77.07}}, {'nvme1n1': {'Read rate per unit time': 0.01, 'Read size per unit time': 1.42, 'Write rate per unit time': 0.07, 'Write size per unit time': 30.9}}]}} sender='general_metric_collector_expert' receiver='data_collector_expert' content='{"Reply_to":"performance_manager","Data": "The collected data","Status":"completed"}' function_name='' function_args=None tokens=1473 data_collector_expert send a message: content={'Reply_to': 'performance_manager', 'Data': 'The collected data', 'Status': 'completed'} sender='data_collector_expert' receiver='performance_manager' performance_manager send a message: content={'Task': 'Analyze the collected performance metrics to identify bottlenecks', 'Metrics': 'The collected data'} sender='performance_manager' receiver='performance_diagnostic_expert' performance_diagnostic_expert send a message: content={'Task': 'Analyze system-level performance metrics to identify bottlenecks', 'Metrics': 'The collected data'} sender='performance_diagnostic_expert' receiver='system_diagnostic_expert' system_diagnostic_expert send a message: content={'Status': 'completed', 'Diagnostic_report': 'System Performance Bottleneck Analysis Report:\nI. CPU Performance Analysis\nSystem Load: The system load has been heavy in the past minute, indicating a potential CPU performance bottleneck. A rapid increase in load suggests that the system\'s demand for CPU performance is increasing.\nCPU Utilization: The current system\'s user-space CPU utilization is 0.5997, kernel-space CPU utilization is 0.3036, hardware interrupt percentage is 0.0013, and software interrupt percentage is 0.0954. The overall CPU utilization is 1.0, indicating that CPU resources are saturated.\nContext Switches: The system is experiencing 186,914 context switches per second, which exceeds the normal threshold upper limit and degrades system performance.\nII. Memory Performance Analysis\nThe system memory usage rate is 0.059, which is relatively low and has not become a performance bottleneck.\nIII. Network I/O Performance Analysis\nInterface "lo": The rate of receiving and sending data packets is very high, but since this is the local loopback interface, its impact on system performance is limited.\nActual Network Card "enp3s0": The rate of receiving and sending data packets is low and has not significantly affected system performance.\nIV. Disk Performance Analysis\nThe utilization rate of all disk devices is 0.0, and the system iowait value is 0.0, indicating that current disk I/O is not a performance bottleneck.\nV. System Process Performance Analysis\nProcess "systemd": There is some I/O operation, but the impact is minor.\nProcess "jbd2/dm-0-8": The I/O delay is as high as 130,796, which may affect system performance.\nSummary:\nThe current system performance bottleneck is mainly in the CPU, characterized by high load, high utilization, and frequent context switches.\nMemory, network I/O, and disk performance have not become system bottlenecks.\n'} sender='system_diagnostic_expert' receiver='performance_diagnostic_expert' performance_diagnostic_expert send a message: content={'Task': 'Analyze application-level performance metrics to identify bottlenecks', 'Metrics': 'The pre-processed performance metrics'} sender='performance_diagnostic_expert' receiver='application_diagnostic_expert' application_diagnostic_expert send a message: content={'Status': 'completed', 'Diagnostic_report': 'System Performance Bottleneck Analysis Report:\nI. CPU Performance Analysis\nSystem Load: The system load has been heavy in the past minute, indicating a potential CPU performance bottleneck. A rapid increase in load suggests that the system\'s demand for CPU performance is increasing.\nCPU Utilization: The current system\'s user-space CPU utilization is 0.5997, kernel-space CPU utilization is 0.3036, hardware interrupt percentage is 0.0013, and software interrupt percentage is 0.0954. The overall CPU utilization is 1.0, indicating that CPU resources are saturated.\nContext Switches: The system is experiencing 186,914 context switches per second, which exceeds the normal threshold upper limit and degrades system performance.\nII. Memory Performance Analysis\nThe system memory usage rate is 0.059, which is relatively low and has not become a performance bottleneck.\nIII. Network I/O Performance Analysis\nInterface "lo": The rate of receiving and sending data packets is very high, but since this is the local loopback interface, its impact on system performance is limited.\nActual Network Card "enp3s0": The rate of receiving and sending data packets is low and has not significantly affected system performance.\nIV. Disk Performance Analysis\nThe utilization rate of all disk devices is 0.0, and the system iowait value is 0.0, indicating that current disk I/O is not a performance bottleneck.\nV. System Process Performance Analysis\nProcess "systemd": There is some I/O operation, but the impact is minor.\nProcess "jbd2/dm-0-8": The I/O delay is as high as 130,796, which may affect system performance.\nSummary:\nThe current system performance bottleneck is mainly in the CPU, characterized by high load, high utilization, and frequent context switches.\nMemory, network I/O, and disk performance have not become system bottlenecks.\n'} sender='application_diagnostic_expert' receiver='performance_diagnostic_expert'

znzjugod commented 4 months ago

performance_manager send a message: content={'Task': 'Collect general system performance metrics', 'Metric_type': 'general'} sender='performance_manager' receiver='data_collector_expert' data_collector_expert send a message: content={'Task': 'Collect general system performance metrics'} sender='data_collector_expert' receiver='general_metric_collector_expert' general_metric_collector_expert send a message: content={'Reply_to': 'data_collector_expert', 'Status': 'completed', 'Data': {'Number of processes in the run queue': 1.0, 'Number of blocked processes': 0.0, 'Number of context switches per second': 37.0, 'Number of CPU cores': 72.0, 'System calls per unit time': 7559.0, 'Average load in the past minute': 0.17, 'Average load in the past 5 minutes': 0.06, 'Average load in the past 10 minutes': 0.01, 'Number of pages swapped from main memory to swap space per second': '0.00', 'Disk utilization': [{'nvme0n1': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.02}}, {'nvme1n1': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'nvme2n1': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'nvme3n1': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'nvme4n1': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'sda': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'sdb': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}, {'sdc': {'Disk average wait time trend': 0.0, 'Disk average request queue length trend': 0.0, 'Disk utilization': 0.0}}], 'omm_kill': 0.0, 'listenOverflows': 0.0, 'fulldoccookies': 0.0, 'fulldrop': 213.0, 'Memory usage rate': 0.52, 'Total number of processes': 743.0, 'User-space CPU utilization': 0.04, 'User-space CPU utilization with nice priority': 0.0, 'Kernel CPU utilization': 0.01, 'Percentage of CPU time spent waiting for I/O when there are pending disk I/O requests': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent on hardware interrupts': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent on software interrupts': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent on other virtual machines in a virtualized environment': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent on running virtual processors': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent on running virtual CPUs with nice priority': 0.0, 'Percentage of CPU time spent in idle state': 99.95, 'Total swap space': 4194300.0, 'Available swap space': 4183292.0, 'Disk read and write performance': [{'nvme0n1': {'Read rate per unit time': 0.18, 'Read size per unit time': 32.42, 'Write rate per unit time': 0.61, 'Write size per unit time': 77.07}}, {'nvme1n1': {'Read rate per unit time': 0.01, 'Read size per unit time': 1.42, 'Write rate per unit time': 0.07, 'Write size per unit time': 30.9}}]}} sender='general_metric_collector_expert' receiver='data_collector_expert' data_collector_expert send a message: content={'Reply_to': 'performance_manager', 'Data': 'The collected data', 'Status': 'completed'} sender='data_collector_expert' receiver='performance_manager' performance_manager send a message: content={'Task': 'Analyze the collected performance metrics to identify bottlenecks', 'Metrics': 'The collected data'} sender='performance_manager' receiver='performance_diagnostic_expert' performance_diagnostic_expert send a message: content={'Executor': 'system_diagnostic_expert', 'Task': 'Analyze the collected performance metrics to identify bottlenecks', 'Metrics': 'The collected data', 'Status': 'in_progress'} sender='performance_diagnostic_expert' receiver='system_diagnostic_expert' system_diagnostic_expert send a message: content={'Diagnostic_report': '/home/system_performance_bottleneck_analysis.txt', 'Status': 'completed'} sender='system_diagnostic_expert' receiver='performance_diagnostic_expert' performance_diagnostic_expert send a message: content={'Executor': 'application_diagnostic_expert', 'Task': 'Analyze the application-level performance metrics to identify bottlenecks', 'Application_name': 'MySQL', 'Status': 'in_progress'} sender='performance_diagnostic_expert' receiver='application_diagnostic_expert' application_diagnostic_expert send a message: content={'Diagnostic_report': '/home/application_diagnostic_expert.txt', 'Status': 'completed'} sender='application_diagnostic_expert' receiver='performance_diagnostic_expert' performance_diagnostic_expert send a message: content={'Executor': 'performance_manager', 'Task': 'Review the performance diagnostic report', 'Diagnostic_report': '/home/application_diagnostic_expert.txt', 'Status': 'completed'} sender='performance_diagnostic_expert' receiver='performance_manager' performance_manager send a message: content={'Task': 'Optimize system performance based on the diagnostic report', 'Diagnostic_report': '/home/application_diagnostic_expert.txt'} sender='performance_manager' receiver='performance_optimizer_expert' content='{"Executor": "knob_tuning_expert", "Task": "Tune system and application knobs for performance", "Diagnostic_report": "/home/application_diagnostic_expert.txt", "Status": "in_progress"}' function_name='' function_args=None tokens=729 performance_optimizer_expert send a message: content={'Task': 'Tune system and application knobs for performance', 'Diagnostic_report': '/home/application_diagnostic_expert.txt'} sender='performance_optimizer_expert' receiver='knob_tuning_expert' knob_tuning_expert send a message: content={'Status': 'completed', 'Optimization_report': '/home/knob_tuning_report.txt'} sender='knob_tuning_expert' receiver='performance_optimizer_expert' content='{"Executor": "knob_tuning_expert", "Task": "Tune system and application knobs for performance", "Diagnostic_report": "/home/knob_tuning_report.txt", "Status": "completed"}' function_name='' function_args=None tokens=780 performance_optimizer_expert send a message: content={'Executor': 'knob_tuning_expert', 'Task': 'Tune system and application knobs for performance', 'Diagnostic_report': '/home/knob_tuning_report.txt', 'Status': 'completed'} sender='performance_optimizer_expert' receiver='performance_manager'