zobristnicholas / pysonnet

Python tools for working with Sonnet E&M data
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Simulation data export: Touchstone file not created #4

Open anlinus opened 10 months ago

anlinus commented 10 months ago


First of all, great piece of code! After a first test, I noticed that the _add_syz_parameterfile() function doesn't seem to create a thouchstone file to the defined location. Not sure what is the issue really. Simulations work good though, I can plot the results if I enter the sonnet file via the GUI.

Here is the code, it's just a slight modification from you example:

`# -- coding: utf-8 -- """ Created on Mon Dec 4 13:31:05 2023 ​ @author: anlinus """ import logging import numpy as np import pysonnet as ps ​


sonnet_file_path = r"C:\Users\anlinus\Documents\Sonnet Python\ring_resonator_code.son" path_to_sonnet = r"C:\Program Files\Sonnet Software\18.56" ​

Set up logging to the console

log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Only prints project.run() information. Set to logging.DEBUG for more detail log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) ​


Geometric constants

box_x, box_y = 100, 100 # size of the box width = 5 # transmission line width mlin_length = box_x layer = 0 # layer for gds format datatype = 1 # datatype for gds format ​


Initialize the path

mlin = [ np.array([ [0, width/2+box_y/2], [0, -width/2+box_y/2], [box_x, -width/2+box_y/2], [box_x, width/2+box_y/2] ]) ] ​ print(mlin[0])


The GeometryProject is the most basic Sonnet project type

project = ps.GeometryProject() ​

The default length unit for Sonnet is mils,so let's change it

project.set_units(length='um') ​

Then we can set up the box

project.setup_box(box_x, box_y, 200, 200) ​

Define the metal types and if they are on the box top/bottom

high kinetic inductance superconductor

project.define_metal("general", "PtSi", ls=21)

low kinetic inductance superconductor

project.define_metal("general", "Nb", ls=0.08) project.set_box_cover("free space", top=True) project.set_box_cover("custom", name="Nb", bottom=True) ​

Lets add a dielectric layer under the microstrip and air above

project.add_dielectric("air", layer, thickness=1000) project.add_dielectric("silicon", layer + 1, thickness=100, epsilon=11.9, dielectric_loss=0.004, conductivity=4.4e-4) ​

We can also define technology layers

project.define_technology_layer("metal", "microstrip", layer, "PtSi", fill_type="diagonal") ​

We also might want to see the current density

project.set_options(current_density=True, memory='high') ​ ​


project.add_polygons("metal", mlin, tech_layer="microstrip") project.add_port("standard", 1, 0, box_y/2 - width/2, resistance=50) project.add_port("standard", 2, box_x, box_y/2 - width/2, resistance=50) ​


Add the frequency sweep to the project

project.add_frequency_sweep("linear", f1=1, f2=10, f_step=0.1)

Select an analysis (doesn't need to be done if running the project)

project.set_analysis("frequency sweep")

Make the sonnet file

project.make_sonnet_file(sonnet_file_path) ​

Locate Sonnet

project.locate_sonnet(path_to_sonnet) ​


Run the project

​ project.run("frequency sweep")


project.add_syz_parameter_file('touchstone', output_folder="C:/Users/anlinus/Documents/Sonnet Python", file_name='ring_resonator_code_test')`

PS. I had to change line 22 em_path = os.path.join(sonnet_path, 'bin', 'em.exe') where I had to add .exe to be able to find the em engine.

zobristnicholas commented 3 months ago

Apologies for the delayed response. I missed the notification for this issue.

It looks like you are adding an output file to the project after you wrote the project to a file. It needs to happen the other way around.

In general, all of the settings in the project object are written to a file using project.make_sonnet_file(). Then project.run() calls the simulator on the file not the object.

As for the .exe, testing is done on linux currently, and I don't plan on supporting windows directly. But it's good to know that it doesn't take much to get it working. Feel free to put up a PR with a fix for windows if you'd like though