zodern / melte

Svelte compiler for Meteor with built in tracker integration and HMR
MIT License
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Add support for svelte.config.js #17

Open dayemeeter opened 2 years ago

dayemeeter commented 2 years ago

wizonesolutions (Kevin Kaland) 23 hours ago Does zodern:melte have svelte.config.js support out of the box? For preprocessors, for example.

zodern 20 hours ago It does not. Which preprocessors are you wanting to use?

wizonesolutions (Kevin Kaland) 9 hours ago Potentially https://github.com/carbon-design-system/carbon-preprocess-svelte


zodern 14 minutes ago It doesn't seem it would be difficult to add support for svelte.config.js. Would you mind opening an issue on https://github.com/zodern/melte?

Opening issue as requested. My goal is to be able to use things like Carbon Components preprocessors.

oVerde commented 2 years ago

Would like to use Coffeescript with preprocessor