zodiacon / AllTools

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ProcExpX can not be started on Win10, while building from source is fine #2

Closed EthanZBY closed 3 years ago

EthanZBY commented 3 years ago

Lauched in windbgx with timeline: : Exception 0xE06D7363 of type CPlusPlus at PC: 0X7FF9B5DDB040 d3d12!D3D12CreateDevice + 0xfe1f


The source build loads d3d11 instead, which can be started normally.

zodiacon commented 3 years ago

Some machines don't support DirectX 12. I've changed the source to use DirectX 11 but forgot to recompile the new version to the AllTools repo. Will fix

EthanZBY commented 3 years ago

I really appreciate your prompt reply, which is not expected. Thanks.

EthanZBY commented 3 years ago

Just for your information:

DirectX 12 has been installed, no error found with DxDiag.

00007ff9730e1de1 488d1598001500 lea rdx, [d3d12!string' (00007ff973231e80)] 00007ff9730e1de8 488b0dd9521c00 mov rcx, qword ptr [d3d12!_imp_D3DKMTQueryAdapterInfo (00007ff9732a70c8)] 00007ff9730e1def e804190200 call d3d12!CallAndLogImpl<long (cdecl)(D3DDDI_DESTROYPAGINGQUEUE __ptr64), D3DDDI_DESTROYPAGINGQUEUE * ptr64> (00007ff9`731036f8)

0:000> db 00007ff973231e80 00007ff973231e80 51 41 49 20 28 55 4d 44-52 49 56 45 52 4e 41 4d QAI (UMDRIVERNAM 00007ff973231e90 45 29 00 00 48 4c 4b 00-45 6e 61 62 6c 65 44 72 E)..HLK.EnableDr 00007ff973231ea0 69 76 65 72 56 65 72 69-66 69 65 72 00 00 00 00 iverVerifier.... 00007ff973231eb0 44 65 73 74 72 6f 79 50-61 67 69 6e 67 51 75 65 DestroyPagingQue 00007ff973231ec0 75 65 43 42 00 00 00 00-66 6b 4a c5 df 72 e8 4e ueCB....fkJ..r.N

Please see the exact spot of the error code occurred below: image

00007ff9730e1df8 e8d3b70000 call d3d12!NDXGI::CUMDAdapter::NTStatusToHResult (00007ff9730ed5d0) 00007ff9`730e1dfd 8bc8 mov ecx, eax

0:000> r rax rax=0000000080070057

zodiacon commented 3 years ago

This is really for Dear ImGui as I didn't write this infrastructure code.