zoe92300 / TodoApp-FlutterFlow

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US2 : Task Creation #7

Open zoe92300 opened 7 hours ago

zoe92300 commented 7 hours ago

User Story 2: Task Creation AS A user, I WANT TO add new tasks to my to-do list, TO keep track of my tasks and manage my daily activities, SO THAT I can stay organized and plan my work efficiently.

SCENARIO: Successful Task Creation GIVEN the user is on the main to-do list screen of the app, WHEN the user enters a valid task name in the "New Task" input field, AND clicks the "Add Task" button, THEN the new task should be added to the to-do list, WITHIN 1 second, AND the task should be displayed in the task list immediately.

SCENARIO: Empty Task Field GIVEN the user is on the main to-do list screen of the app, WHEN the user leaves the "New Task" input field empty, AND clicks the "Add Task" button, THEN an error message should be displayed stating "Please enter a task name" WITHIN 1 second, AND the task should not be added to the to-do list.