zoe92300 / TodoApp-FlutterFlow

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US3 : Complete Task #9

Open zoe92300 opened 7 hours ago

zoe92300 commented 7 hours ago

AS A user, I WANT TO mark tasks as completed, TO track my progress on my to-do list, SO THAT I can differentiate between tasks that are still pending and those I have finished.

SCENARIO: Successful Task Completion GIVEN the user is on the main to-do list screen of the app, WHEN the user selects the checkbox next to a task, THEN the task should be marked as completed, WITHIN 1 second, AND the task should be moved to a separate "Completed Tasks" page, WITHIN 2 seconds.

SCENARIO: Viewing Completed Tasks GIVEN the user has completed tasks, WHEN the user navigates to the "Completed Tasks" page from the main menu, THEN the completed tasks should be displayed in a list, WITHIN 2 seconds, AND tasks should be shown with a visual indicator (e.g., strike-through or checkmark) showing their completed status.

SCENARIO: Unmark Task as Completed GIVEN the user is on the "Completed Tasks" page, WHEN the user deselects the checkbox of a completed task, THEN the task should be moved back to the main to-do list page, WITHIN 2 seconds, AND be marked as a pending task again.

SCENARIO: No Completed Tasks GIVEN the user navigates to the "Completed Tasks" page, WHEN there are no completed tasks, THEN the list of tasks should remain empty.