zoffixznet / Mojo-CSV

Non-nonsense CSV operations in Perl 5 with Mojo flavour
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Manage Text::CSV options and methods more transparently #3

Open hertzhaft opened 7 years ago

hertzhaft commented 7 years ago


I like your module very much, especially because I enjoy the "Mojo way"!

This is a feature suggestion. I have a lot of tab-separated files and would like to process them with Mojo::CSV. Currently I have to fiddle with the internal "_obj" property to set alternative options like "sep_char". That's a little cumbersome, it would be more elegant if I could set them directly through the "new" constructor (like in Text::CSV).

Similarly, it would be cool if the TexT::CSV options could also be set individually by chainable accessors (the Mojo way is not possible in Text::CSV, because the setters don't return the instance).

Or expose even more Text::CSV methods, for example to allow error checking without having to consult _obj?

Thanks, Martin

zoffixznet commented 7 years ago

To be honest, I don't program Perl 5 anymore, so it's highly unlikely I'd be adding any new features to my Perl 5 modules.

Perl 6 is where the party's at.

hertzhaft commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I know that you are committed ... :-)

Any suggestions how I should proceed? So far I've never done a pull request, would you accept one? Or roll my own module?

zoffixznet commented 7 years ago

So far I've never done a pull request, would you accept one?

Yes, as long as it doesn't break existing functionality. This module is used by one of the apps I use at work, so I wouldn't want that app to break...

Or roll my own module?

I don't see anything wrong with that option. You could fork this module and extend it anyway you want, without a need for anyone's approval of pull requests :smile_cat: