zoglauer / megalib

MEGAlib - the Medium-Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy library
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TriggerMap: Unable to open file TwoSiteTriggers.trig #26

Closed reginacaputo closed 7 years ago

reginacaputo commented 7 years ago

Hi Andreas, I'm currently running the experimental branch of MEGAlib (v2.99.04) I was working through the trigger map example as outlined in the ReadMe file in: ${MEGALIB}/resource/examples/advanced/TriggerMap

Follow the instructions, however the TriggerMap files don't seem to get created (see output below - note in the snippet below, I replaced my directory with ${MEGALIB}). I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here. Thanks for taking a look.

Best, Regina

make -f ${MEGALIB}/resource/standalone/Makefile.StandAlone PRG=CreateTriggerMap Program CreateTriggerMap successfully compiled... Program CreateTriggerMap successfully linked... and starting...

CreateTriggerMap -g TriggerMap.geo.setup Accepting file name: TriggerMap.geo.setup Stage 1 (reading of file(s)) finished after 0.00650593 sec Stage 2 (evaluating constants) finished after 0.0101271 sec Stage 3 (evaluating vectors) finished after 0.0104782 sec Stage 4 (evaluating for loops) finished after 0.0563427 sec Stage 5 (evaluating random numbers) finished after 0.0566904 sec Stage 6 (evaluating if clauses + initial maths evaluation) finished after 0.0683399 sec Stage 7 (analyzing primary keywords) finished after 0.0787211 sec Stage 8 (analyzing "Copies") finished after 0.0864317 sec This file does not exist: "${MEGALIB}/resource/examples/advanced/TriggerMap/TwoSiteTriggers.trig" MParser: Unable to open file "TwoSiteTriggers.trig". * ERROR *** in trigger TwoSiteTriggers Unable to open file TwoSiteTriggers.trig Error *** in setup file ${MEGALIB}/resource/examples/advanced/TriggerMap/TriggerMap.geo.setup at line 219: "TwoSiteTriggers.Map TwoSiteTriggers.trig" Unable to read trigger map Stopping to scan geometry file! Unable to load geometry - Aborting! Error during analysis!

zoglauer commented 7 years ago

Hi Regina,

Fixed the problem - we had a little chicken and egg problem, so I split the geometry in two files, Base.geo.setup contains the volumes and detectors. Use this to generate the trigger maps. TriggerMap.geo.setup then includes everything including the newly generated trigger map.

Thus do: CreateTriggerMap -g Base.geo.setup and from this point on you can use the TriggerMap.geo.setup geometry.

The new version has been pushed to github.

Cheers, Andreas

reginacaputo commented 7 years ago

Thank you, Andreas. I got and compiled the code. It created the trigger files. I then tried to run Cosima on TriggerMap.source. I got an error that it couldn't parse the number of events that I were fed into TriggerMapLow (see below). I tried changing the number, and checking if there were any hidden characters that were messing things up and couldn't find anything. Any ideas?

Thank you, Regina

make -f ${MEGALIB}/resource/standalone/Makefile.StandAlone PRG=CreateTriggerMap Program CreateTriggerMap successfully compiled... Program CreateTriggerMap successfully linked... and starting...

CreateTriggerMap -g Base.geo.setup Accepting file name: Base.geo.setup Stage 1 (reading of file(s)) finished after 0.00314062 sec Stage 2 (evaluating constants) finished after 0.00531227 sec Stage 3 (evaluating vectors) finished after 0.00561881 sec Stage 4 (evaluating for loops) finished after 0.0408925 sec Stage 5 (evaluating random numbers) finished after 0.0414274 sec Stage 6 (evaluating if clauses + initial maths evaluation) finished after 0.0556753 sec Stage 7 (analyzing primary keywords) finished after 0.0666838 sec Stage 8 (analyzing "Copies") finished after 0.0736185 sec Stage 9 (analyzing all properties) finished after 0.0874711 sec Stage 10 (generating clones) finished after 0.0878369 sec Warning
You have not defined any trigger criteria!! Stage 11 (validation & post-processing) finished after 0.301156 sec Stage 12 (volume tree optimization) finished after 0.301249 sec Geometry TriggerMapGeometry loaded! Program exited normally!

ls ACSVeto.trig Base.geo.setup Combined.trig CreateTriggerMap.cxx GuardRingVeto.trig OneSiteTriggers.trig PairTrigger.trig ReadMe.txt TriggerMap.geo.setup TriggerMap.source TwoSiteTriggers.trig

cosima TriggerMap.source Using parameter file TriggerMap.source

Error in parsed file /Users/rcaputo2/MEGAlib/resource/examples/advanced/TriggerMap/TriggerMap.source at line 18: Error Cannot parse token Events correctly: Number not a positive (long) integer. Line (3 tokens): "TriggerMapLow.Events 100000"

MParser: Unable to parse file "TriggerMap.source" Error: Unable to parse parameter file "TriggerMap.source" correctly!

zoglauer commented 7 years ago

That's strange. I do not get that error. Could you gzip (important) and email me the file?

Afterwards, could you replace it by TriggerMapLow.Time 100.0 and see if it starts simulating?

reginacaputo commented 7 years ago

Thank you, Andreas. It works now. I'll close the issue.