zoglauer / megalib

MEGAlib - the Medium-Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy library
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Add documentation about XQuartz to setup page #53

Closed marwahaha closed 5 years ago

marwahaha commented 5 years ago

Cool project 👍

I got the install working via ./setup.sh on my Mac running Sierra 10.12.6. I did not have Geant or ROOT before this install.

Only one hiccup: There was an issue when the cmake command installing Geant was looking for X11, and my machine didn't have have it. Looks like Apple doesn't install it by default anymore -- https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201341 , but it's a simple install! https://www.xquartz.org/

After installing, the ./setup.sh script worked great!

zoglauer commented 5 years ago


Thanks! The xquartz information is already included in the extended setup manual, which is linked from the main README.md: http://megalibtoolkit.com/setup.html Section "Additional information for macOS"

Best, Andreas

marwahaha commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I missed that!