zoglauer / megalib

MEGAlib - the Medium-Energy Gamma-ray Astronomy library
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MCosima does not create concatenation file. #95

Open parshadkp opened 4 weeks ago

parshadkp commented 4 weeks ago

MCosima does not create concatenation file. Using macOS on megalib main branch.

(base) GRB080723557 % mcosima -t 2 -m 2 GRB080723557.source -w Using 2 threads Using max parallel threads 2

Launching mcosima on (2024-08-16 17:41:13)

Executable: cosima Number of threads to use: 2 Maximum number of cosima threads on machine: 2 Source file: GRB080723557.source Gzip'ing the output file: yes Creating concatenation file yes Waiting until all threads have finished: yes

Launching cosima run 1/2 (2024-08-16 17:41:13) Launching cosima run 2/2 (2024-08-16 17:41:14) Creating concatenation file for simulation "GRB080723557"

Error: No sim file has been created. Please do a test run with just cosima before running mcosima,

Exiting Waiting till all sub-processes have finished... ^C

Received command to shut down gracefully (2024-08-16 17:41:41)...

All simulation processes gracefully terminated Shutdown completed!