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How to change color theme on Android? #47

Closed arthedza closed 1 year ago

arthedza commented 1 year ago

Tried ZohoSalesIQ.setThemeColorforAndroid('colorPrimary', COLORS.PRIMARY); but no effect

bhahirathan-mb-11956 commented 1 year ago

Hi @arthedza ,

Thanks for reaching out to us. We're glad to know your interest in Mobilisten react native. Please refer if you've used the right method for Andriod styles because we do not support any method "ZohoSalesIQ.setThemeColorforAndroid('colorPrimary', COLORS.PRIMARY);" as you mentioned. Visit our below help guide to know more.

I hope this helps. Feel free to write us at (support@zohosalesiq.com) along with your Github ID for further assistance.

Regards, Bhahirathan.

arthedza commented 1 year ago

Hi @arthedza ,

Thanks for reaching out to us. We're glad to know your interest in Mobilisten react native. Please refer if you've used the right method for Andriod styles because we do not support any method "ZohoSalesIQ.setThemeColorforAndroid('colorPrimary', COLORS.PRIMARY);" as you mentioned. Visit our below help guide to know more.

I hope this helps. Feel free to write us at (support@zohosalesiq.com) along with your Github ID for further assistance.

Regards, Bhahirathan.

Thanks, that works! And what about iOS? From the JS side, I can change only the primary color of the theme by the setThemeColorForIOS method. I saw the examples of UI customisations, for example this one. But where should I insert that code?

venkatesh-ramesh-12517 commented 1 year ago

Hi @arthedza, 
I'm glad that worked. For iOS, the Custom theme API should be used this in a application (_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) function block Please follow the below steps:

Steps 1: Make sure Mobilisten is imported in AppDelegate

#import <Mobilisten/Mobilisten.h>

Steps 2: Use the Custom theme inside the function of the application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)

 //Get baseTheme using ZohoSalesIQ.Theme.baseTheme
  SIQTheme *customTheme = ZohoSalesIQ.Theme.baseTheme;

  //Customize properties in the customTheme instance as desired
  customTheme.Launcher.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
  customTheme.Launcher.iconColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
  customTheme.Launcher.UnreadBadge.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor];
  customTheme.Launcher.UnreadBadge.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
  customTheme.Launcher.UnreadBadge.borderColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
  customTheme.Launcher.UnreadBadge.borderWidth = @1;

  [ZohoSalesIQ.Theme setThemeWithTheme: customTheme];

I hope this helps. Feel free to write us at (support@zohosalesiq.com) along with the Github issue ID. Regards,
Zoho SalesIQ

arthedza commented 1 year ago

Hi @arthedza, 
I'm glad that worked. For iOS, the Custom theme API should be used inside the function of the application (_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)

Please follow the below steps:

Steps 1: Make sure Mobilisten is imported in AppDelegate

#import <Mobilisten/Mobilisten.h>

Steps 2: Use the Custom theme inside the function of the application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)

 //Get baseTheme using ZohoSalesIQ.Theme.baseTheme
  SIQTheme *customTheme = ZohoSalesIQ.Theme.baseTheme;

  //Customize properties in the customTheme instance as desired
  customTheme.Launcher.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
  customTheme.Launcher.iconColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
  customTheme.Launcher.UnreadBadge.backgroundColor = [UIColor blueColor];
  customTheme.Launcher.UnreadBadge.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
  customTheme.Launcher.UnreadBadge.borderColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
  customTheme.Launcher.UnreadBadge.borderWidth = @1;

  [ZohoSalesIQ.Theme setThemeWithTheme: customTheme];

I hope this helps. Feel free to write us at (support@zohosalesiq.com) along with the Github issue ID. Regards,
Zoho SalesIQ

I have done it already but got an error

venkatesh-ramesh-12517 commented 1 year ago

Hi @arthedza,

We're checking the issue and will keep you posted regarding the updates.

Regards, Venkatesh Zoho SalesIQ

venkatesh-ramesh-12517 commented 1 year ago

Hi @arthedza

Thanks for writing to us,

React Native version 0.68 and above supports new architecture, so it creates an Objective-C++ file (AppDelegate.mm) instead of an Objective-C file (AppDelegate.m). If possible, please use Objective-C (AppDelegate.m), we will check the possibilities of supporting the new architecture.

Please refer to this documentation.

For further queries, please write us at support@zohosalesiq.com. We will be happy to assist you.

Regards, Venkatesh, Zoho SalesIQ.

venkatesh-ramesh-12517 commented 1 year ago

Hi @arthedza

As there is no recent activity from your side, we're closing this issue. You can reopen this again anytime.

For further queries, please feel free to write us at support@zohosalesiq.com. We will be happy to assist you.

Best regards, Venkatesh R.