zoho / SalesIQ-Mobilisten-ReactNative

Your mobile app's ideal live chat partner. Power up your mobile App with the SalesIQ Mobilisten SDK for React-Native.
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Could not find com.zoho.salesiq:mobilisten:4.4.0. #66

Closed selcukitmis closed 1 year ago

selcukitmis commented 1 year ago


We want to use your package on our application but can't install. Your maven url is empty or couldn't find some files from your maven url.

We are getting this error message;

*** What went wrong: Could not determine the dependencies of task ':react-native-zohosalesiq-mobilisten:compileDebugAidl'.

Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':react-native-zohosalesiq-mobilisten:debugCompileClasspath'. Could not find com.zoho.salesiq:mobilisten:4.4.0. Required by: project :react-native-zohosalesiq-mobilisten**


Dependency versions react-native 0.71.2 react-native-zohosalesiq-mobilisten --> 5.2.0

We need urgent solution, please help to us ASAP


bhahirathan-mb-11956 commented 1 year ago

Hi @selcukitmis ,

Thanks for writing to us. Kindly verify that you have added the Zoho's maven url in your project's build.gradle/settings.gradle as mentioned in the 1st point of README.md.

allprojects {
    repositories {
             maven { url 'https://maven.zohodl.com' }

Please write back to us at support@zohosalesiq.com with the Github issue ID if the issue persists.


Bhahirathan M, Zoho SalesIQ.

bhahirathan-mb-11956 commented 1 year ago

Hi @selcukitmis ,

As there is no recent activity from your side, we're closing this issue. You can reopen this again anytime. Meanwhile, please check out latest version.

For further queries, please feel free to write us at support@zohosalesiq.com. We will be happy to assist you.