zoho / SalesIQ-Mobilisten-ReactNative

Your mobile app's ideal live chat partner. Power up your mobile App with the SalesIQ Mobilisten SDK for React-Native.
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Android build failing after upgrading to 8.0.0 #79

Closed AngadSethi closed 6 months ago

AngadSethi commented 6 months ago


I recently upgraded to 8.0.0, and now my Android builds are failing with this error. Can you please help me out?

> Task :react-native-zohosalesiq-mobilisten:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED
/home/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/react-native-zohosalesiq-mobilisten/android/src/main/java/com/zohosalesiq/reactlibrary/RNZohoSalesIQ.java:1633: error: no suitable method found for getResources(ResourceType,String,String,String,int,int,<anonymous ResourcesListener>)
        executeIfResourceTypeIsValid(type, callback, () -> ZohoSalesIQ.KnowledgeBase.getResources(getResourceType(type), departmentID, parentCategoryID, searchKey, page, limit, new ResourcesListener() {
    method KnowledgeBase.getResources(ResourceType,String,String,String,boolean,ResourcesListener) is not applicable
      (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
    method KnowledgeBase.getResources(ResourceType,boolean,ResourcesListener) is not applicable
      (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
    method KnowledgeBase.getResources(ResourceType,String,String,String,int,int,boolean,ResourcesListener) is not applicable
      (actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
Note: /home/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/react-native-zohosalesiq-mobilisten/android/src/main/java/com/zohosalesiq/reactlibrary/RNZohoSalesIQ.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: /home/expo/workingdir/build/node_modules/react-native-zohosalesiq-mobilisten/android/src/main/java/com/zohosalesiq/reactlibrary/RNZohoSalesIQ.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
1 error
bhahirathan-mb-11956 commented 6 months ago

Hi @AngadSethi,

We apologize for any inconvenience caused, we have fixed this issue. We recommend you update to the latest version 8.0.1, and verify. Please feel free to write back to us at (support@zohosalesiq.com) if the issue persists.

Regards, Bhahirathan M Zoho SalesIQ.

AngadSethi commented 6 months ago

Works like a charm. Thanks a ton for the quick resolution, @bhahirathan-mb-11956! 😄