zokugun / vscode-explicit-folding

Customize your Folding for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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usage instructions incorrect #1

Closed mjsottile closed 6 years ago

mjsottile commented 6 years ago

The documentation indicates that the following block should be added to the settings:

"folding": {
    "*": {
        "start": "\\{\\{\\{",
        "end": "\\}\\}\\}"
    "typescript": {
        "start": "#region",
        "end": "#endregion"

This does not work and the editor says that folding is an "Unknown configuration setting". This was tested using VSCode 1.25.0.

daiyam commented 6 years ago

@mjsottile I've updated the extension to fix that error and to reload the foldings when the configuration is changed.

Thanks you for the report :smile:

daiyam commented 6 years ago

@mjsottile I've renamed the extension (to Explicit Folding) and also renamed the config's property start to begin. The next config change will be when my PR as been validated by VSCode team which will resolve the known issue.